Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Second Pride Festival

May 22nd to May 29th, 2011

Theme: International

The first Festival happened in 2005, it grew bigger in 2007 and remained a big event ever since. Every year is a different adventure as the Teams making it happen change every time, making it as diverse as our community by mixing various styles, concept and ideas each year to make every edition unique.

Making this happen in a diverse community is a challenge, especially in the Second Life virtual world as not only do people from different backgrounds meet, but to that we can add the different ethnicities, cultures, mindsets that we come across the grid which is accessible in most countries today.

Second Pride is a unique experience where we try to make sometimes very, sometimes less different people come together as one in a one week Festival of events. This is a unique human adventure to consider in advance as a thrilling roller coaster with all it's good and scary times but that everyone enjoys in the end and runs to climb back on for a second round !

Come and experience a taste of Global Pride, get out of your routine and take a shot of new things, new people, new ideas, learn to become aware of the globality of LGBT, to enjoy sharing and collaborating, setting aside self-focus, and growing to be a better person from this international sharing opportunity.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I answered my own question above (I deleted it). Here is a schedule of DJ times at Pride. DJ InsyX just published this on the Gay Archipelago site.

  3. Thanks for that Eddi! ;) I was going to try find the full programming too and post it.

  4. I posted the program on my blog today. It just came out:

  5. Thanks Eddi, awesome work, I am directing traffic to your blog instead of reposting.

    Hope you don´t mind! ;)


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