Saturday, June 11, 2011


Saturday didn't start too well. I was in a lousy mood when I woke up and just couldn't be bothered with anything. Then I read something on another Swedish blog suggesting that a new civil war is brewing among the Swedish inhabitants of SecondLife. I thought to myself, "Here we go again and this time I am surely staying out of this stupid and needless war as long as none of my friends are hurt." I actually believe these wars start because someone gets too bored during the summer months and feels the need to stir things up.

To my luck Millimina came in-world. I hadn't seen her since the Kiss-A-Swede event some days ago, she´s had ISP-problems.

When I am with Millimina everything just calms down. My volatile emotions and thoughts and my most desperate fears all simmer down and go to rest.

We walked around the sim a bit. I showed her Dejerrity´s new house and we talked about this and that in both real and virtual life. Millimina´s input always give me the right perspective on things, what´s important to me and what isn't. It doesn't even matter if she is upset when she comes, because we always listen to each other. Hell, on some occasions even I have been able to make Millimina calm, so it´s not a totally one-way relationship.

Millimina is an intelligent, insightful, humorous, bitchy and empathic woman and a perfect friend! I am so happy to have her close in SecondLife.

Oh in finishing this post I would like to take you all as witnesses to the fact that Millimina and I have agreed, that if neither of us finds a perfect partner before one of us hits 70, we will move in together and take care of each other..

Speaking for myself and even if I should have found the perfect man but Millimina hasn't, on my 70th birthday I will order my hubby to take me on a trip to where Millimina is staying to bring her and her stuff (and even a few of her cats and swans) to install her in the studio I will have prepared for her by that time.


  1. A beautiful and well deserved portrait of Millie and your friendship!

  2. Likewise dear Bock and thanks for your nice words.

    Love you!

  3. Thank you, Kandi!

    Love you too, Milli, and the words weren't nice you are!

  4. "Millimina is an intelligent, insightful, humorous, bitchy and empathic woman and a perfect friend! I am so happy to have her close in SecondLife."

    Bock we are in violent agreement :))


  5. Soul mates and bosom buddies, Apmelito! ;)


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