Sunday, June 24, 2012

DJ Sarco´s Early Morning At Pride

Sarco Halderman is an old time friend of mine, I first made his acquaintance in 2007, when I started "stalking" my Ars around in SecondLife.

Sarco is one of the best DJ´s SecondLife has to offer, and he showed that at his set between 3-5 AM SLT. The crowd may not have been large but the quality of the music was still the best - as always.

DJ Sarco
Aelred Huet, Fabi Ishtari and yours truly
Close-up of muscle man Aelred
I am enjoying myself
Dodo Ahanu
Harley Homewood, a great DJ in his own right and Sarco´s partner
DJ InsyX Piranha grooving
MadeInRussia, Chace Nizna and Preston Benoir
Zim Gunsberg
Avacar Bluestar came in close to the end of the set

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