Monday, June 25, 2012

Galloping Paranoia Analyzed

Photo: Matt Dunham/Scanpix
As I am temporarily suffering from a mild bout of "rainbow overdose", I will try to direct your interest towards this interesting article by Nick Cohen, which was published on on Sunday; Nick Cohen: Definition of paranoia: supporters of Julian Assange.

Some of Assange's supporters say that the women have no right to put allegations of sexual abuse before a competent court. Instead, they denounce them as "feminazis" in language so extreme that the women's lawyer said his clients were "the victims of a crime, but they are looked upon as the perpetrators". I doubt that posterity will recall much that Assange said. But it ought to remember his assertion that "Sweden is the Saudi Arabia of feminism". In one sentence, Assange encapsulated the special pleading and misogyny of a rotten "progressive" culture.

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