Friday, June 28, 2013

Builder Bock

As I told someone who asked me if I was really enjoying the ongoing project, Aisha Ceawlin I think it was. I am having the time of my life and thoroughly enjoying myself!

The work with Butch is going splendidly, he is fulfilling all the high expectations I had on the extremely brilliant and creative man. It's such a lot of fun choosing what I want to have and where to place it! Dealing with the vendors is also fun, they are usually great people.

You will all be invited to the housewarming party in a not to distant future, I am hoping you all will accept and come, even if you do not wish to participate in a 60-avatar group orgy. But don't worry please because that orgy will not happen as long as I own this place.


  1. Really looking forward to the party! Finally a chance to wear the family tartan again... at least for a while :-)

    1. First I admit that a man can never look better or sexier than in tartans, however this party will not be a formal affair so you may want to dress down a tad... ;)

      But whatever you choose to make an appearance in I am sure you will be the hottest guy in the room, its in your pixel genes from Ars's side...


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