Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Take The Geek Test

 How geeky are you? (url)

My score, but everyone around me is 83% or above, except the lovable Ziggy who only got a measly 19% (as rumor has it)!


  1. haha i got 80% and husband unit well not really a surprice... 94% ;)

    1. LOL I am not in the least surprised, it seems like I only love geeks - so far...

  2. I got a perfectly normal 52%, just saying.

  3. My score is 29%. I have no idea what it means. But I am blond.

  4. 23 %.. I think I should be proud of that. But I won't get a virus and if I do, I can remove it :P Just not the FIRST thing that comes to mind!

    Owh and btw:

    BaZinGa! X-)


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