Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fine Dancing

The Much Honored Bock McMillan,  laird of Southern Charm etc, etc, Tomais, Duke of Erat etc, etc, and Guyke, Prince of Paradijs (the traditional title bestowed to the heir of the laird) etc, etc, and other royalty in SecondLife received a special invitation from her majesty BM, Queen of the Netherlands in SL etc, etc, and the dance master her dance master Mr. Kahvy Sands Esq. to attend an event of light entertainment and fine dancing on Sunday evening.

We were of course all delighted to accept and cherished this rare occasion to escape the gawking stares and pointing fingers of the plebs. The only two commoners present (except for the entertainers) were Ms. Helene Dragoone and Mr. Butch Diavolo (in shoes!).

Entertainment was provided by an amazing singer Reallymad ''Mick'' Morpork and later by the DJing talents of Mr. Sands.
As the duke proved to be extremely useful in these surroundings and very adept in choosing the correct dances, the laird could relax and enjoy himself completely in his strong and muscular arms.
The Laird and the Duke in a pasodoble
The Prince of Paradijs and Ms. Dragoone


  1. Queen B sticks very royal her tongue out to Prince Bock and laughs hard.. ( damn good pictures ) thank you it was an amazing evening

  2. Replies
    1. Oh Helene? Excuse me, please dear lady, I didn't realize you were a royalty too...?


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