Thursday, June 26, 2014

Slipshod Security at Second Pride Festival?

Do we need to nail Security Chair Sutry's (nonexistent) balls to the wall for insufficient security at the Second Pride Festival this year? Perhaps even the rest of the Second Pride board should be held responsible for being negligent (some of whom do have large hairy balls, I'm almost certain)?

Well, I suggest you read this truly shocking eyewitness report by blogger Rusty Redfield (picture left) concerning a possible serious security lapse two days ago and then come back and tell me what you think.

You can read Rusty's heart wrenching testimonial here: Playing with the Big Boys; "035:...".


  1. I had no idea this was such a serious matter! I'm starting to feel like the guy who reported the Watergate break-in or something ... "Heart wrenching" is not the word I would have used, but then I didn't know the full gravity of the situation. Thanks for noticing my little story; I'm glad the security breach is in the proper hands now.

    1. I am happy you understood my joke! I really enjoyed your post, it was an amusing account of our visit to Second Pride ;)


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