Sunday, March 22, 2015

Firestorm: "Restore to Last Position Needs You!"

Jessica Lyon of The Firestorm team is asking for support from residents of SecondLife in trying to convince Linden Lab, the makers of SecondLife, not to block the feature "Restore to Last Position".

The Firestorm Team believes that if residents can supply "a well structured set of use cases that demonstrate clearly and concisely how useful and valuable this feature is to (us)" Linden Lab may be convinced of the features value and usefulness.

If you use this feature and would like to see it stick around please leave a comment on this post Firestorm: 'Restore to last Position' needs you!, detailing how you use it and why it is valuable to you.

Please note Jessica's sage advice: "Kicking, screaming and calling foul will not save this feature, nor will criticizing LL or anyone else for not understanding the feature. In fact actions like that will speed up its demise."

Hurry hurry, because the post has been up a week on Monday!

As readers of my blog most certainly should know I am a huge fan of this feature, it has doubtlessly saved me from much agony and guilt and many, several nervous breakdowns and many hours of redoing things because of my inability to sometimes do several things at the same time, I delete stuff if I am distracted. Please, never ask me to chew gum and walk down stairs at the same time!

The latest major incident when I used the feature is described in this blog post,Bock in SecondLife: 'Thank You, Phoenix Firestorm Team!'.

For an interesting analysis, please go to Inara Pey's blog post: Living in a Modemworld: Firestorm seek feedback on “restore to last position” and the other links Inara provides there.

1 comment :

  1. The restore to last position feature have saved me more times than I care to remember. From minor things like moving furniture around (and then hating the now arrangement) to more serious matters like adjusting builds (when I did that).

    I am hopeful that as the feature has been disabled by Firestorm on no copy items that LL will not block the feature as the main concern was potential loss of no copy items of the restore to last position fails.


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