Showing posts with label Eire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eire. Show all posts

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Saint Patricks Day

Every 17th of March Ireland celebrates Saint Patrick’s Day, a national holiday, and holds festivals and special events to commemorate the Saint who reportedly banished snakes from the Emerald Isle. 

Saint Patrick is also the Patron Saint of Ireland and influenced the migration of Christianity to the country.

Traditionally, people wear something green on Saint Patrick ‘s Day, which is known in the Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.S. and other countries that celebrate the day as “the wearing of the green.” Regardless of cultural background, everyone wears green because on this day, everyone is considered to be Irish. 

In Ireland, however, the wearing of the green is not customary. Instead, Irish will wear shamrocks to symbolize the teaching of the holy trinity by Saint Patrick. A shamrock is a green plant, also known as a clover (see photo below), and a small bunch of shamrocks is pinned to the breast of one’s coat. (Stolen the Culture Wizard Blog).

Have a great day all of you Paddy's and Paddette`s