Showing posts with label Libya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Libya. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Libya Is Free

Today we were reached by the news that the Libyan rebel army has liberated the town of Sirte. The town, which was the birthplace of Muammar Gaddafi, was his last stronghold. The people of Libya have thereby finally rid themselves of the dictator, his family and his henchmen.

According to the news agencies it has now been confirmed that Gaddafi was killed during or after the battles.

Although I would have prefered to have seen Gaddafi stand trial for his crimes against humanity at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, The Netherlands, I still rejoice with the people of Libya for their liberation after 42 years of tyranny.

I hope with all my heart that the people of Libya will now be able to hold true to their hopes of peace and a democratic development against the many powers within and outside the country who may wish to replace one dictatorship with another in order to get control over the Libyan oil fields.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bombs in Tripoli

The unrest in the Arabian countries has spread to Libya. The Libyan dictator since 40 years Muammar Gaddafi's must be getting worried. 

His son and "heir" Saif el Islam Gaddafi held a speech yesterday night on Libyan state television. There he claimed that a conspiracy is going on against Libya and threatened that a civil war would break out if the protests against the regime did not stop. 

Al-Jazeera now reports that the regime has started bombing protesters in Tripoli, the capital of Libya