Showing posts with label Lucia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lucia. Show all posts

Friday, November 12, 2010

SecondLife Invaded by Lucia-pageants

In real life we have about 200 000 (possibly more) Lucia-pageants in Sweden going about every year on December 13th.

They are scaring everyone shitless with the careless way some of them handle their candles or annoying us all by waking us up at an ungodly time in the morning.

In SecondLife there has been a Swedish Lucia-pageant for four years, the last few years at the Swedish Embassy in SecondLife.

Last year Second Norway started their own pageant, which I assume they will be continuing. This year we have also been reached by the news that a group of Swedes on the Tara Hill sim will be having their own pageant.

On Wednesday I attended a meeting to decide whether or not there was going to be a traditional Lucia-pageant on the Swedish Embassy sims this year. It had been suggested it should perhaps be cancelled because the Tara Hill group might see it as a provocation, as they had already in October declared that they were going to have a pageant of their own.

I had been thinking everything through very carefully and had reached the conclusion that we should continue the tradition of the Swedish Embassy pageant for the following reasons.

1. As I have already said above in real life we have loads of pageants. No one ever sees it as competition or provocation if anyone else continues having their own traditional pageant or starts a new one, neither would or could any reasonable person in SecondLife object to that.

2. The Swedish Embassy´s Lucia-pageant is by now a longstanding (SecondLife is not that old after all) tradition, both among Swedes and most importantly among our International friends and guests.

3. The more, the merrier! This is a great way of spreading the word about a beautiful and quaint Swedish and Scandinavian tradition.

Well I am happy to tell you it took the meeting two minutes flat to agree with me! So you will now be able to see me this year also in the starring role of a "star boy" pushing Saint Lucia and the rest of the guys and girls in white gowns infront of me.

Remember to book the date and times in your calendars now, Sunday December 12th, 2010, 11 am and/or 1 pm SLT.

More information about this event will be posted as we get closer to the occasion.