Showing posts with label Petr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Petr. Show all posts

Saturday, June 20, 2015

SP Hugs 1

The Second Pride Festival is a great time to reconnect with old friends and make new ones, so I am going to continue my tradition from last year of - in my unashamed Swedish manner - going around hugging as many as I possibly can.

Kahvy Smith should have been first out, because I promised him a hug yesterday but I was too tired and forgot all about it. Instead the first one is of Petr Hastings-Vanbeek, whom I came across this morning as I was getting the SLurl for his store at the Festival. 
Petr Hastings-Vanbeek

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

At Sea with the New Bandit IF

Alalyse Dean, is another of the many amazing content creators in SecondLife. She focuses mainly on creating ships and boats and sells them through her company Bandit.

Last weekend Analyse released a new sail boat - The Bandit IF (International Folkboat) - and I am sure you know that my consort was first in line to get it. Tomais had in fact already prepared the retexturing so he had it ready for when he could finally buy the boat.
What separates the Bandit IF from other sail boats in SecondLife is, as I understand it, that is intentionally made so that it needs two people to sail it, the skipper and his slave (although Tomais insists that the term is "crew". When we tried it out yesterday I am certain that you can guess who acted was skipper and who was the slave.
I am certain that Tomais thoroughly enjoyed the experiences of ordering me about for once, and - actually - so did I. We had a long and wonderful sailing experience and Tomais was very happy with his latest acquisition.
Before we finished our voyage yesterday - and I was sent of to bed - we were invited to our friend Petr Vanbeek's home for some newly baked cookies, hot coffee and cold beer.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Twitter Support

Friday, March 13, 2015

Petr on Alts in SecondLife

I have been too preoccupied with other things the last couple of days, but now that I have passed through that cloud let me share a rare gem with ya'll.

This is a definite must-read from the elderly gentleman over in the corner, who has been observing for a long time how alts (i.e. alternate accounts) are sometimes used in SecondLife and now is in the mood to share his astute analysis and wisdom with us all, So listen up and take it all in!
Confessions of a Digital DaddyBear: "Hiding in Plain Sight"

Sunday, November 30, 2014


It seems that we are living in a time for social media challenges, the successful #ALSicebucket campaign has a lot to answer for.

From #weareALLclean fights AIDS stigma with photos of hot, naked men:
"The sudden spate of shower selfies is the brainchild of activist Jack Mackenroth, who wants to raise money to fight HIV and AIDS while ending the stigma around the condition.
Men are being urged to take photos of themselves in the buff and post them to social media with the hashtag #weareALLclean, while linking to a donation page to find a cure for AIDS.
“I was inspired by the use of the word ‘clean’, especially common in gay culture, to describe oneself as STI/STD free”, Mackenroth says.
“This implies that HIV-positive people are somehow ‘dirty’. I thought a PG shower selfie or video would be a fun way that everyone could easily show their support on social media for finding a cure by using the hashtag #weareALLclean when they post their photo with the link. Then they donate what they can and nominate 3 or more other people to participate.”
The campaign is taking off online but is far from $1,000,000 goal in donations "

I have been challenged by my friend Rusty Redfield (Playing with the Big Boys: 084: #weareALLclean (yes, a naked picture challenge!).

I threw off my clothes and proceeded to schlep my beautiful husband Tomais, after first getting him naked, into a shower with me and then asked him to make another of his beautiful picture of the two of us. 
"Shower selfie" by Tomais Ashdene
As always the most interesting part of the modelling experience was to observe my own special artist at work with the photo he had taken. It is amazing what funky details his astute and discerning eyes find to correct in Photoshop before he is satisfied with the picture.

This time he even took the time to make it safe for F*c*book, please not the careful and ingenious placement of his signature. It is in that exact spot to cover up my amazing butt crack from the picture-nazis on that site.

I challenge the following of my family and friends:  +JJ Goodman+Wayne NZ  and sirhc DeSantis. And, after due consideration, I am adding +Petr Hastings-Vanbeeck, just because I want to see him in the shower too...

  1. Take a selfie or short video of yourself in the shower or bath.**NO EXPLICIT NUDITY**
  2. Post your photo now on Moovz and all social media platforms with the caption "Take HIV Shower Selfie Challenge raise $ for AIDS cure #weareALLclean"
  3. Nominate 3 or more other people to participate!
  4. DONATE! Please donate if you are able. Every dollar counts!
  5. On World AIDS Day (or before): Monday, December 1st, please change all your social media profile pix to your shower selfie photo and spread the word!!!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Duo Rezday Pictures by JJ Goodman

The famous photographer JJ Goodman, my brother and friend, attended the Duo Rezday Bash on Saturday.

JJ was there because he is family and friend and had no obligation to take pictures, but he did so anyway... which I am grateful for, as I and the rezday boys were to busy with other stuff.

Thanks for the pictures JJ, as always you manage to make us all look wonderful!
PuPi & Talu
Kahvy & Garrett
Ces & Simon
Zigadena & Emarald
DJ Rylan
Nikolai as the Stripper Dolphin
Cupric & Hottie
Pook again (out of costume)
Hmmmm - I cannot remember...
Another one I don't remember...
Garrett again, I think...?
Tomais, Guyke & JJ
Tomais as the Naked C3PO
Kitty, Annie & Raphaela
Tomais again ;)