This blogs editor in chief took the opportunity to confront his lairdship about the claims yesterday, while the laird was lounging around at his mansion with a stunning swain (not yet identified).
"It's all a crock of shit!", the laird said while slowly caressing the small of the back of his favorite. "First of all there is no scientific evidence whatsoever which proves that Facebook-poking can lead to pregnancies in humans or avatars", he continued with a soft smile towards his handsome beau, "These people have either been using faulty methods or tampered with the test results. It may even be an outburst of mass hysteria or - come to think of it - flatulence caused by gluten sensitivity or something else they may have eaten."
"You can inform the scoundrels that I have already put my legal team, under the leadership of the notorious Attorney of the Realm Diana Gilderoy, onto this They should be careful of which claims they make or they may risk being sued for slander or worse. The dear girl will shred them to pieces. Now go away, you tiresome person, I have no more time for this. This beautiful lad needs, wants and deserves my full attention!"