Showing posts with label tweet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tweet. Show all posts

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Hair Furor Spouts Alternative Facts About Sweden

I don't usually agree with Carl Bildt about anything at all, but this time his tweet captured the wonderment of all Swedes at what the American president had to say about whats been happening in our country recently.

Isn't it about time president Trump was assigned a few handlers who fact-checked his speeches, otherwise I think we may soon end up with a really big mess. Many things president Trump "believes" are true, simply aren't. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Will Assange Keep Promise?

Julian Assange, suspected rapist, who has chosen to be in self-elected isolation at the Ecuadorian embassy in London for a longer period than he would probably have been jailed if he had instead chosen to stand trial for his alleged crimes in Sweden, recently offered to go to the United States if President Obama granted clemency for Chelsea Manning.

Well, now that President Obama has done just that, and Manning will be set free in May 2017, it remains to be seen if Assange will keep his promise. I most certainly will not hold my breath.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Mmmm Mighty...

Singer/songwriter Steve Grand and bobsledder/rugger Simon Dunn, both out and proud,  prepare for an event which allows Steve to don his American football gear.

It could be the lighting I guess, but... 

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Awesome Response

Hat tip to George Takei.

Monday, July 11, 2016

True Dat!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Thursday, May 19, 2016

So It Goes...

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Betty Says It Best

United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, 79, died of apparent natural causes Saturday on a luxury resort in West Texas.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Charlie Hebdo is a French satirical weekly newspaper, featuring cartoons, reports, polemics, and jokes. Irreverent and stridently non-conformist in tone, the publication is strongly anti-religious and left-wing, publishing articles on the extreme right, Catholicism, Islam, Judaism, politics, culture, etc. The magazine is published every Wednesday, with special editions issued on an unscheduled basis.

Due to controversial Muhammad-themed cartoons published in 2011, the magazine has experienced two terrorist attacks. A firebombing in 2011, and another shooting attack yesterday on Wednesday January 7, 2015. Twelve people were killed, in the attack by three young male terrorists armed with Kalashnikov's.

Social media has reacted strongly against this terrorist attack on free speech, 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

"I'm Sorry..."

This news reaches me via Wicked Gay Blog and Gay Star News:
"A US student, who was beaten up for being gay, tweeted a defiant message to his attacker and instantly became a viral sensation.
Ohio student Cole Ledford, who tweets at @ColeLedford11, was beaten up for kissing his boyfriend, and was left with a painful black eye.
Yesterday (November 7), he tweeted a picture of himself and his injuries alongside a text with the words: ‘To the guy who punched me tonight for kissing my boyfriend.
I'm sorry that you called me fag,’ wrote Ledford.
I'm sorry you hit me for no reason. I'm sorry that whatever insecurities you have don't allow you to accept others for who they are. I'm sorry that I threaten you.
I'm NOT sorry I'm gay. I'm proud to be this way. I'm proud to be confident enough to love who I love and to love me. I'm proud to have friends and family that love me regardless of me. Honestly, I'm not sorry.
Since posting the image, Ledford has become somewhat of an overnight star. His tweet was retweeted more than 23,000 times.
He later posted a cute photo of him and his boyfriend with the caption: ‘Boyfriend wanted to say hi and thanks for the support! Off to Cleveland to see the fam! #loveislove #youallrock.
He also tweeted: ‘overwhelmed by all the support. I have a nasty black eye but other than that, I'm fine. Thank you all so much! Love > Hate.
He’s also been encouraging his new-found followers to support equality charities if they want to help.
If what happened to me makes you want to make a difference please consider donating to the @HRC and help their fight,’ he tweeted."

Another everyday hero steps out of anonymity for a while to make us all proud. Proud to be humans, to be men and most of all to be gay men.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Same-Sex Marriage Wins

"The Supreme Court (of the United States, my addition) refused to get involved in the national debate over same-sex marriage Monday, leaving intact lower court rulings that will legalize the practice in 11 additional states. The unexpected decision by the justices, announced without further explanation, immediately affects five states in which federal appeals courts had struck down bans against gay marriage: Virginia, Indiana, Wisconsin, Oklahoma and Utah.
It also will bring along six other states located in the judicial circuits overseen by those appellate courts: North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Colorado, Kansas and Wyoming. The action will bring to 30 the number of states where gays and lesbians can marry. Appeals courts in Cincinnati and San Francisco are considering cases that could expand that number further, presuming the Supreme Court remains outside the legal fray." (USA Today)
By not taking up the cases offered the SCOTUS today decided to allow same-sex marriages in eleven more states where the ban on same-sex marriage had been found to be unconstitutional

"Rather than decide the issue of same-sex marriage, as virtually everyone involved in the debate expected, the justices simply let stand lower-court rulings striking down bans in five states. Within hours, marriages were set to take place.
And the justices knew their decision to stay out of the grand national debate would have further repercussions: Within days or weeks, gay marriage could be legal in 30 states representing 60% of the U.S. population. Nine more states in the Midwest and West could be added very soon if appeals courts there join the juggernaut.
Why did the Supreme Court take a pass? Most likely because it lacked the votes to stop what federal and state court judges have started.
"The far more conservative justices couldn't count to five," said Jon Davidson of the gay rights group Lambda Legal. "They were not assured of a fifth vote, and so they didn't want to grant review yet." (USA Today; First Take: Justices decide gay marriage by not deciding).

Saturday, August 23, 2014

The #icebucketchallenge

Petr Vanbeeck-Hastings challenged Tomais and me in the ALS #icebucketchallenge. So this is the picture Tomais made of us today.

We challenge Ebbe Altberg, WayneNZ and Holter Rez. The three of you have 24 hours to complete the challenge!

Don't forget to visit the ALS website to learn more about the disease What is ALS? And while you are there please consider making a donation!
And here is my tweet on the same subject!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

God Considers Update

Please note, no darn cute kittens are mentioned!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Our Darlings

Ebbe Linden, in first life known as Ebbe Altberg, yesterday tweeted this picture of our wonderful friends at Linden Lab, Makers of SecondLife.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Remember the Victims of Oslo & Utøya

"If one man can show so much hate, imagine how much love we all can show together."
Helle Gannestad in a tweet on July 23, 2011.

Three years have passed since a single, determined, right-wing extremist with delusions of grandeur killed 8 people in Oslo city center and 69 others, mostly children, on the island of Utøya in Norway.

Remember and honor the victims!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Kiss-In Against Putin in Argentina

(via J.M.G.)

"Little Father" is visiting Argentina and will be met by men kissing men and women kissing women outside the Russian embassy.

"Oh my!", as George Takei would say.