Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Fourth Rezday, Eddi!

Today my friend Eddi Haskell, with the outstanding SecondLife-blog, celebrates his fourth rezday in SecondLife.

Happy Rezday, Eddi, and may you have many more!

Stupid Git #1

Today I will tell you about my favorite "stupid gits". I will reveal them in no particular order because I really cannot decide which of them is the biggest loser.

Here come the first stupid git of the day.

Tobias Billström
Tobias is 37 years old and a member of the Swedish conservative party. He is - to Sweden´s great misfortune - currently the Minister of Migration.

Tobias also happens to be from my part of Sweden (Scania) and is gay. However none of these beneficial circumstances prevent him from being as big a twat as any full-blooded heterosexual from the northern parts of Sweden. I always thought there was something terribly dysfunctional in his mannerisms and he has now fulfilled my worst suspicions in the most hilarious way.

With the help of papers leaked by WikiLeaks the Swedish newspaper "Svenska Dagbladet" unveiled notes taken by the U.S. ambassador to Sweden Ryan Crocker from a meeting in 2007. Attending the breakfast meeting were, among others, ambassador Crocker, Tobias and the Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt. According to the ambassadors notes the two Swedish ministers made many derisive and derogatory remarks about the Iraqi immigrants in Sweden during their little chitchat. 

When confronted about the leaked notes by the Swedish TV-channel SVT yesterday and asked for his comments and what he had actually said during the meeting, the stupid git Tobias managed to give variations of the same answer no less than seventeen (17) times in three (3) minutes flat.  

His response was: "The Swedish government will not comment in any way what-so-ever on these so called WikiLeaks documents since they are third-party data."

You can see the full interview here SVT Play.

I hope this will be the end of his political career but who knows...He should make an excellent Swedish ambassador. Is the posting in Baghdad free?

My B-I-L Makes the Big Time

This is from my friend Eddi Haskell´s blog today, my darling B-I-L and his cute husband Andee prancing around in swim wear showing off their studly bodies.

...but now that Andrey has made it to the big blogs always remember you saw him here first, and in the buff too. Wooooooohoooo! Aren´t they a stunning couple?

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Photography by Freddy Cerdeira
I am feeling tired and drained at the moment. I only have energy to cope with my real life and work for a few days. When I come home from work I go to bed and sleep til the morning after.

Hopefully I will be back in SecondLife tomorrow friday and during the weekend.

Love Hangover

"Zeb Atlas, the world's leading gay icon, starred in our video "Stop For Love" with Pearly Gates, a video that has to date had a stunning 140,000+ views! Zeb and Pearly's sizzling new version of the classic Diana Ross hit "Love Hangover" has gained even more attention and press coverage and gossip onthe gay network since it was leaked on The Sword website on the 16th January without our knowledge.

The intention of this project (and Zeb will agree with this) is not to proclaim to the world that he is a singer but to create a product that fans will enjoy visually as well as musically by ensuring that Zeb is aiming to be nothing but himself. So, you queens out there, please refrain from making any bitchy comments and just sit back, chill and enjoy Zeb and if you want to see more future dance productions with Zeb, please support us by spending just 99p on downloading the track from iTunes where the single is expected to be released in February '11.

So now here it is - the brand new video, officially released! Join in the fun as much as we did recording it and producing it!"

Music & Lyrics:
Pamela Sawyer & Marilyn McLeod
Produced By Darren Harvey-Beswick,
Soren Jensen and Laurent Schark
Video Directed By Darren Harvey-Beswick
And USP-Movies, Liège, Belgium
All Copyright In This Video & Sound Recording
(c) 2011 Night Dance Records


I am of course showing you this video only as a tribute to Diana Ross and because of the excellent music and singing performances!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ooh, ooh, ooh

What a little moonlight can do
Billie Holiday/Harry Woods

Ooh, ooh, ooh
What a little moonlight can do
Ooh, ooh, ooh
What a little
moonlight can do to
You're in love
Your heart's
fluttering all day
You only stutter cause
your poor tongue
Just will not utter the words
'I love you'
Ooh, ooh, ooh
What a little moonlight can do
Wait a while
Till a little moonbeam
comes peepin' through
You'll get bold
You can't resist him
All you'll say
When you have kissed him is
Ooh, ooh, ooh

What a little moonlight can do
Ooh, ooh, ooh


Well if nothing else works, this song usually never fails! Listen to the amazing saxophone and that beautiful voice...hell listen to them all together. Pure, unadulterated joy that gives shivers down your back.

Ooh, ooh, ooh
That´s what excellent 

musicians can do to

Monday, January 17, 2011

Better Than Sex?

This is a blog response to Vanadis Falconer´s post "Låt oss tala om sex!" (Let´s talk about sex!) where she discusses the morals that seem to guide SecondLife, Iphone, Blogger etc., and the morality clauses that all these services carry with them. The fear of nudity, the fear to discuss anything sexual in an open and outright why is crippling.

At the end of her post Vanadis makes the parallel - that comes naturally for many of us Swedes - between the need for sex and talking about it as much as we need the traditional Swedish crisp bread called "knäckebröd".

Remembering my childhood years in Pakistan, where one of the true highlights and big thrills was the arrival every six months or so of the "package from home". That package was an enormous crate (2 x 2 x 4 meters) filled with all kinds of goddies for the Scandinavian community.

It always contained such delicacies as enormous amounts of knäckebröd, several 20 kilogram containers of  lingonberries, several 20 kilogram containers of pickled cucumbers and all other food that we Swedes in the diaspora yearned for.

I totally agree with Vanadis, really it is as important to talk about sex with an open mind as to enjoy eating knäckebröd. Hell for the time being I am totally relying on knäckebröd alone and it keeps me sane!