Friday, November 11, 2011

3-Day Imagine Peacefest Starts 11 AM

Don´t forget there is a huge party going on in SecondLife this weekend, starting today Friday 11.00 AM and ending on Sunday 09.00 PM.

For more information on this event please see my earlier post here.

And DON´T FORGET Kandinsky and her beautiful square on the south east corner of Solace Island is a part of this event on Sunday noon to 2PM!! (Reminder from my buddy Apmel)

Ohhhhh am I still here?

Photography by Vesper Kling

11-11-11 11:11:11

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

T,.S. Eliot

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Berlusconi´s Europe

Hopefully we will soon see the last of this criminal. male-chauvinistic pig and scoundrel, albeit democratically elected, if his promises mean anything at all.

For more European maps from different ethnic points-of-views please visit the Bulgarian artist Yanko Tsvetskov´s site "Mapping Stereotypes Project. The Ultimate Bigot's Calendar of the World"

It´s Getting Cold Outside

Better cover up to protect the valuables!

I got this from a friend who thought it was better suited on my blog than on his own, and after laughing my ass off I totally agree with him!

Thanks to much, Apmel!

In SecondLife I use a huge sock for this, which I understand is the preferred way for the was majority of the "foreskinly" challenged American men to use for erhmmmm lets call it "self-satisfaction". That sock seems to pop up in every book I read, film I see and anything else where we can receive sociological knowledge about the habits of the current tribes in North America, the lacking of foreskin part at least.

I must say that to me the idea of using a sock seems scratchy and hurtful, but then I still have my foreskin so who am i to judge.

Rage Against Technology

I live with the not unreasonable expectation that every time I do a certain thing to a machine or with software programs I should and can expect the same results.

This expectation has more often than not been proven to be false, which absolutely stuns me every time. I think of myself as a human being with some emotional weaknesses but on the whole mostly rational. The fact that machines and software programs have the audacity to act up against me and take on a will of their own totally and completely pisses me off!

What has made the otherwise meek, happy-go-lucky and ever so humble Bock so angry you wonder? Well, this is what happened.

Yesterday I read about the new Linden Lab Beta Viewer 3.2 on Sven Idyll´s blog. He was very convincing so I uninstalled my Firestorm viewer, cleaned up my computer from anything SecondLife and downloaded and installed the new viewer.

I was totally enchanted by the exceptional usability of the new user interface and by the fact that my personal and group IM´s were vertically stacked (see picture).

It´s an awesome feature that prevents you from missing any IM´s and also keeps them collected in the same space instead of spreading out all over ones screen.

Well today I did the mistake of reading Sven Idylls blog again and seeing his praise for Starlight I decided to try that feature too. I shouldn't have done that! Because when I had installed the Starlight my vertically stacked IMs disappeared and seem to be lost forever.

In an effort to try to retrace my earlier steps I have uninstalled Starlight. uninstalled  Beta Viewer 3.2, cleaned up my computer completely from SecondLife, re-installed Firestorm and chosen the vertical tabs, uninstalled Firestorm, cleaned up my computer, re-installed Beta Viewer 3.2.

Nothing helps and my vertically stacked IM´s are gone and instead I end up with this (see picture).

Thinking about this I realize that I am mostly angry with myself. When the f**k will I learn not to mess with something that is good!

P.S. Finally I must emphasize that this was none of Sven´s doing he only got me excited when I read his blog. If I in any way have given you that impression I apologize to Sven Idyll!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Think I Love it!

This is a photograph using "depth" instead of "color", cool huh?
After reading the Swedish blogger Sven Idyll´s posts about the new Beta Viewer 3.2. and seeing the short explanatory videos he has posted there Linden Labs new instruction videos for Viewer 3 I just couldn't contain myself and was eager to try out the new viewer.

I followed my own previously described routine about how to Install a Fresh Viewer and then downloaded the new one. I must say I fell for it immediately. You can move almost everything around anyway you want it to get the thingies exactly where you want them to be and with the shapes you desire.

Is it strange I love the guys and girls at Linden Lab as much as I do? These brilliant people have given me everything I can ask for in a viewer.

Love you guys, have a round of beer on me (but no more than 30 of you and you must include CEO Rodvik Linden/Rod Humble) and chairman of the Board Philip Linden. (Rodvik is almost catching up with my all time favorite CEO Philip with this stroke of genius.)

Sorry for being unfaithful to you guys there for a while, but I am back home in the fold with ya´ll now!