Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"Sane Enough"

Today the Swedish psychiatrist Johan Cullberg published a dissenting analysis of A.B.B. after listening to the 36 hours of tapes from the interviews of the Norwegian psychiatric team, DN Debatt -Breivik är tillräckligt frisk för att straffas"

"The 36 hours of interviews with Anders Breivik Behring reveals no indication that he is suffering or has suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. To absolve him from accountability and punishment due to mental disorder is offensive unprofessional and unimaginative (...) 

Instead his symptoms indicate a malignant narcissistic personality disorder, or mixed - his megalomaniac notions are closely connected with his elaborate opinions. The terrorist acts are fully consistent with these. This the (Norwegian) investigators do not at all discuss.

None of the interviews reveal anything that could not have been said or done by an extreme political or religious fanatic. Breivik´s "manifesto" is reportedly fully legible, it lacks the verbal lockups and stereotyped phrases that a work of a schizophrenic person would have demonstrated. Probably he would have been accepted by a radical political terror cell. If he suffered from schizophrenia, it would have been much more difficult - he would have had difficulty to hide the bizarre and fragmented world that is always associated with that diagnosis.

Many might wish that such evil ideas and actions like Breivik´s, or for that matter those of Hitler or Stalin, must by definition be "sick". But then you use the concept of disease in an evaluative purpose. It is important that one does not believe that behaviors that we abhor or fear, and precisely for that reason think is abnormal should be classified as sick. Then we narrow our view of capacity for evil in the mentally healthy human as well as broaden the concept of mental disease to an impermissible extent."

Johan Cullberg concludes, "(The Norwegian psychiatrists) have not understood that this is a well thought out philosophy with a fully coherent criminal action."

The above was translated by Google Translate and corrected by me, I was too impatient to try to do it myself this time.

Cullberg raises the question I tried to raise a few days ago in my post Legally Insane, about where we draw the line between legal sanity and insanity. He does so from a similar starting point but with the added advantage of actually being a psychiatrist himself.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Following my want-ad earlier today, I want to let you all know that Ms. Tina Dahl, aka PetGirl Bergman, etc., etc., have been recovered. She was found to be in both good health and good spirits given the uncertain circumstances of her disappearance.

After a proper chastisement for her disappearing act I most kindly forgave her and we all celebrated the third anniversary of Club OrmDricka with good music and chat.

During my stay inworld today I was also reached by the liberating news that one of the five witch queens has come down with foot-in-mouth disease, and unlike her usual manor has for once actually said what she means and thinks in a group chat.

"Wrong window!" was her excuse, but after close to five years in SecondLife who really believes her?

Over and out until Tuesday evening. Take care everyone and don´t do anything I might have done!


W   A   N   T   E   D
Dead or alive - preferably alive
Ms. Tina Dahl
a.k.a. PetGirl Bergman,
la concierge à l'Ambassade de Suède dans Second Life
 etc. etc.

For Crimes Against Humanity
For Running Away With The Swedish Embassy Lucia Pageant
several other heinous crimes, including but not restricted to,
lewd, lascivious and salacious behavior in public places

If you have any relevant information about this woman
or her whereabouts in the last week
please contact the McMillan Household a.s.a.p.
by e-mail The McMillan Household.

Please be aware that this woman should be considered 
Armed and Dangerous
with intelligence, a bizarre sense of humor and a sharp tongue
Do not approach or contact her!

L$ 5 000 - alive
L$ 50 - dead
(if information is received prior to December 13th 2011)
Please note! Do not send us any body parts.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Festival of Lights

Second Pride 
A Festival of Lights

All Businesses, Clubs, Artists and other Organizations are invited to join us for a Festival of Lights on December 28th. We will have a tree decorating contest for this event! Then a party to admire and celebrate the Season!

Tree Decoration
You may reserve one tree to decorate, you may not use more then 200 prims, you may only use one scripted item.
The tree will be provided, decorating starts December 1st

Each group will enter the contest by using the picture contest board. Contestants will encourage people to vote for their tree, each Vote will cost 10 lindens. ALL Money will go to Second Pride- Voting will end on the 26th of December at midnight

Contest Prizes
10k Cash Prize, Prime advertising spot at festival, 3 month Banner Advertisement on SP website

The Festival of Lights Celebration Party
Party will be on the 28th of December, it will be a split party so all may attend
10am -1pm SLT and 6pm - 9pm SLT
6 DJ's

Winners will be presented their prizes at whichever party they chose to be at

Be Creative!!!....Have Fun!!!

You can downlaod our latest Prism Newsletter by clicking here.

The Second Pride 2012 Team

A Festival of Lights

Second Pride 
A Festival of Lights

All Businesses, Clubs, Artists and other Organizations are invited to join us for a Festival of Lights on December 28th. We will have a tree decorating contest for this event! Then a party to admire and celebrate the Season!

Tree Decoration
You may reserve one tree to decorate, you may not use more then 200 prims, you may only use one scripted item.
The tree will be provided, decorating starts December 1st

Each group will enter the contest by using the picture contest board. Contestants will encourage people to vote for their tree, each Vote will cost 10 lindens. ALL Money will go to Second Pride- Voting will end on the 26th of December at midnight

Contest Prizes
10k Cash Prize, Prime advertising spot at festival, 3 month Banner Advertisement on SP website

The Festival of Lights Celebration Party
Party will be on the 28th of December, it will be a split party so all may attend
10am -1pm SLT and 6pm - 9pm SLT
6 DJ's

Winners will be presented their prizes at whichever party they chose to be at

Be Creative!!!....Have Fun!!!

You can downlaod our latest Prism Newsletter by clicking here.

The Second Pride 2012 Team

Phrase of the Day

"Butt-nutty bat shit crazy" as uttered by Penn Jillette in the video An Atheists Guide to the 2012 election (found via J.M.G.), where Penn rates the various candidates for the U.S. Presidency from the perspective of an Atheist.

Penn Jillette is a refreshing voice of reason in this sometimes crazy world.