Sunday, December 18, 2011

Assange to be heard by UK Supreme Court

Photograph: Lefteris Pitarakis/AP informed us on Friday that the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom has granted Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, permission to appeal against extradition to Sweden, where he faces sex crimes allegations.

The issue that the Supreme Court will decide on is "whether a prosecutor is a judicial authority".

Wouldn't it be amusing if the Swedish prosecutor Marianne Ny, after having the opportunity to question Julian Assange (when he has finally been sent over) decides that she doesn't have enough to substantiate a prosecution on the charges made.

The hearing has been scheduled for two days beginning on February 1st, 2012,

Second Pride Meeting

I just couldn't resist posting this picture of the beautiful venue for today's board and membership meeting.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Jago´s & Eddi´s Third Anniversary Party

After the long seminar with Jessica Lyon it was great to know I had a party waiting to celebrate my friends Jago Constantine and Eddi Haskell on their third anniversary as partners in SecondLifeDJ Insyx supplied the music as a real pro.

It was a fun party with both old timers like myself. Eddi, Jago and Jordyn Carnell and a some almost noobs and all the ages in between. Oh and dogs, dogs, dogs everywhere - even a lesbian bitch dog named Betsy that kept hitting on missK all evening.

Enough talk, here are the tell-all pictures. For even more pictures visit Eddi Haskell´s Second Life Photos from Our Third Anniversary Party Today
The happy couple, Jago and Eddi
We were all relieved that mtd wore a sock on it
Yours truly and sexy missK making some moves
Avacar, Esme and Cambieul grooving

Straight Talk With Jessica Lyon

I visited the Q&A seminar with the Phoenix/Firestorm team, yesterday. It was the three most informative hours I have ever spent in SecondLife. I must say it was an eyeopener for me, mostly though what was said by the very clever program manager and spokesperson for that group of talented developers, Ms. Jessica Lyon.

Jessica has a style and manner of talking that is both knowledgeable and creates faith and comfort in those of us that are listening to her, even when we hear her talk about some techie mysteries.

To sum up the almost three hours of continuous talk is not easy, but let me give it a try.
  • Linden Lab is a company that is in it for the business and to create profit for the shareholders.
  • Linden Lab has committed a great deal of time, resources and money to developing mesh.
  • Mesh must succeed to create a profit for the shareholders of Linden Lab. Mesh is still in it´s starting phase, things will get better.
  • The third party development teams must support that goal also.
  • If Linden Lab doesn't start creating profits for it´s shareholders soon, we will lose our world. SecondLife will be no more.
  • Viewers that do not support mesh are in effect outdated! They will have a minimum of support and updates and will be scrapped soon. (The Lab has previously said that the viewer 1´s would be dropped by the end of this year, but they may last a little bit longer.)
  • It is high time for those on Viewer 1, Viewer 2 and Phoenix of all versions to make the transition and move along to Viewer 3 or Firestorm.
  • The new viewers are as easy to learn how to use as the original viewers if you give them a fair chance. Studies show that those who have used them for three days very rarely go back.
  • The brilliant FUI that was introduced by Linden Lab in Viewer 3 will be introduced in Firestorm in the future also.
I hope I got it all right, but I believe that pretty much sums up the three hours with Jessica, and I could not agree more with her.
I retract my earlier opposition against mesh being introduced into SecondLife, even if I will never buy clothes that I need to adapt my shape to use (other than shoes). I also retract my opposition against Linden Labs introduction of the inworld game "Linden Realms" and focusing it´s marketing on Vampires. 

If anything brings new users to our world, we should welcome them for whatever reason they come here, hopefully they will in time see what we have been fascinated by and remain for that reason.

Anything that is good for Linden Lab in the end is good for me by keeping my world online.

Please note: For a new viewer to work as well as possible it is always important to make a fresh install. Do so by following the easy instructions here  Install a Fresh Viewer

Telling It Like It Is

Ziggy Starsmith, my buddy and fellow blogger, isn't all brawn and sexiness, but has a well functioning brain to match.

I never understood the mesh mess and why we should  have to suffer from the introduction of that feature into our wonderful world the way we have been forced to do these many months.

Read what Ziggy has to say in the matter Ban Mesh, Back To the Old Phoenix Viewer.

Rodvik Linden and all our other friends at Linden Lab, hear our cries of despair and our prays: Please, please, realize that mesh is a dead end and drop it now! You are killing us with lag and crashes and worsening our over all experiences inworld.

We want clothes that adapt to our avatars, not clothes that force us to adapt our avatars to the clothes. Back to the drawing boards again my wonderful, resourceful and creative team of programming geeks! (Yes, I do realize that there may be more to mesh than the bloody gawdawful clothes... but it still seems to stink.)

Jessica Lyon from the Phoenix/Firestorm team invites us to a seminar today to discuss matters.

"The Q&A will be held at1 PM SLT at the Rockliffe university regions with the following landmarks.
Note: Due to the amount of people we expect to arrive, please arrive early and use the following landmarks based on the first letter of your first name.

A - I:
J - R:
S - Z:"

Friday, December 16, 2011

Congratulations to Eddi & Jago

Join the party to celebrate Eddi Haskell´s and Jago Constantine´s  third anniversary as partners in SecondLife!

The happy couple invites you all to come and to bring your friends along.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tears of Happiness

(via J.M.G.)

I am a pushover, I got big tears in my eyes when I was watching this video of when the young couple break the happy news to her dad´s that she is pregnant..