Showing posts with label Viewer 2.0. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Viewer 2.0. Show all posts

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Straight Talk With Jessica Lyon

I visited the Q&A seminar with the Phoenix/Firestorm team, yesterday. It was the three most informative hours I have ever spent in SecondLife. I must say it was an eyeopener for me, mostly though what was said by the very clever program manager and spokesperson for that group of talented developers, Ms. Jessica Lyon.

Jessica has a style and manner of talking that is both knowledgeable and creates faith and comfort in those of us that are listening to her, even when we hear her talk about some techie mysteries.

To sum up the almost three hours of continuous talk is not easy, but let me give it a try.
  • Linden Lab is a company that is in it for the business and to create profit for the shareholders.
  • Linden Lab has committed a great deal of time, resources and money to developing mesh.
  • Mesh must succeed to create a profit for the shareholders of Linden Lab. Mesh is still in it´s starting phase, things will get better.
  • The third party development teams must support that goal also.
  • If Linden Lab doesn't start creating profits for it´s shareholders soon, we will lose our world. SecondLife will be no more.
  • Viewers that do not support mesh are in effect outdated! They will have a minimum of support and updates and will be scrapped soon. (The Lab has previously said that the viewer 1´s would be dropped by the end of this year, but they may last a little bit longer.)
  • It is high time for those on Viewer 1, Viewer 2 and Phoenix of all versions to make the transition and move along to Viewer 3 or Firestorm.
  • The new viewers are as easy to learn how to use as the original viewers if you give them a fair chance. Studies show that those who have used them for three days very rarely go back.
  • The brilliant FUI that was introduced by Linden Lab in Viewer 3 will be introduced in Firestorm in the future also.
I hope I got it all right, but I believe that pretty much sums up the three hours with Jessica, and I could not agree more with her.
I retract my earlier opposition against mesh being introduced into SecondLife, even if I will never buy clothes that I need to adapt my shape to use (other than shoes). I also retract my opposition against Linden Labs introduction of the inworld game "Linden Realms" and focusing it´s marketing on Vampires. 

If anything brings new users to our world, we should welcome them for whatever reason they come here, hopefully they will in time see what we have been fascinated by and remain for that reason.

Anything that is good for Linden Lab in the end is good for me by keeping my world online.

Please note: For a new viewer to work as well as possible it is always important to make a fresh install. Do so by following the easy instructions here  Install a Fresh Viewer

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Attaboy Rodvik!


Video streaming by Ustream

This video from the SecondLife Community Conference this year.(SLCC 2011) is going completely viral on the SecondLife blogs. It shows Rod Humble, CEO of Linden Lab (in our world better known as Rodvik Linden) giving his keynote speech.

Noob Rodvik is actually starting to gain my confidence. I like what I hear him say in this speech. Testing and bug-fixing are a priority for him, as are lag, usability and added value features for the paying customers.

Best thing is that Rodvik reveals he doesn't much like the Viewer 2 either and actually hates the sidebar like many of the rest of us!

Keep this up Rodvik and you may become my second favorite CEO. There is no one that can beat my dreamer Philip Linden, but they can come pretty damned close.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 69

Denna plats i mitt projekt har varit reserverad för just denna avatar. Jag är så lycklig över att jag efter viss mild övertalning (läs ständigt tjat) har förmått PetGirl Bergman att medverka. (Nu överdrev jag, det var faktiskt inte alls svårt att få med henne på noterna.)

PetGirl, som vi alla känner som Tina, är innehavare av den mest lästa svenska SL-bloggen "Tinas universum" och ägare till den största svenska gruppen i SL, "Swedish People in SL". Därutöver driver hon i SL även inredningsföretaget "Exakt". På grund av de båda förstnämnda förhållandena och det faktum att hon även är motorn bakom många av de events som förekommer i svenska SL kallar jag henne skämtsamt för "dronningen".

För mig kunde dronningens medverkan egentligen bara bestå i en rolig bild som skulle referera till en händelse strax innan Linden Lab skulle lansera sin "Viewer 2.0" och hade utsett henne till testpilot.

Dronningen hade vid ett tillfälle klätt upp sig ordentligt för att närvara vid världspremiären i SL av Cabaret på Kit Kat Klub. Då spelade SL henne ett av de spratt som vi alla kan råka ut för ibland, att det vi ser på vår egen skärm inte är vad andra ser.

Alla de andra närvarande på Kit Kat Klub såg nämligen dronningen helnaken endast iklädd ett dragspel och högklackade skor.

Dronningen blev vid tillfället naturligtvis fruktansvärt ledsen och upplevde det inträffade som otroligt pinsamt. Hon har dock så här i efterhand också kommit till insikt om att "dragspelsincidenten" faktiskt var en jätterolig händelse som på ett träffande sätt beskriver hur SL kan djävlas med oss alla.

Jadå, ni är fortfarande välkomna att skicka era bidrag till mig antingen inworld eller till min mejl  
Yes, you are all still welcome to send your contributions to me either inworld or to my mail