Sunday, February 19, 2012

Snarky Comments

Don´t ever tell me that SecondLife isn´t educational and a good practicing ground for personal development or adjustments in behavior.

Yesterday when I visited a certain Swedish venue for the first time. The first thing I saw when I had teleported in was a acerbic comment by one of the ancient Nordic gods-crowd, friends or relatives of the mudslinger, who said something like "Ooo look his lordship deigns us with his presence...".

All my life, first and second, I have never before accepted anything like that without talking back or saying something in return. Yesterday I managed to keep my cool and totally ignored the bitch and went on having fun with the other kind people who were at the venue.

I had a great time and would like to thank Fia Wycliffe and Helene Dragone for the great music, well most of it... and they know exactly what I mean.

I am very proud of myself and view this as a breakthrough in my personal development. Thank you, SecondLife! The next time will be even easier and it will continue that way until it finally becomes completely effortless.

The Last C&P Show

When I got the news that Circe Broom was shutting down the Laurel Arts sim I was devastated. I have spent many hours of my SecondLife there enjoying poetry, live performances, comedy acts and last - but in no way least - "The Coffee and Pajamas Jazz Show with Elfay Pinkdot" (C&P) together with Ars, with friends or on my own.
Circe Broom, owner of the Laurel Arts sim
I first knew off C&P and met with DJ Elfay Pinkdot at the Saturday and Sunday shows that were held at Second Pride Festival of 2008. I was blown away by this chatty DJ who played great music while having an interactive banter with those at the show in SecondLife or listening in on radio and who were sending her messages by text or mail.
DJ Elfay Pinkdot in action
Everyone didn't get or like the format of the show, which relies heavily on audience participation and Elfay´s communication with us throughout the show. But I was thrilled and excited as many of the regulars who lovingly came week after week for Elfay, the music and the other regulars (in that order). Circe herself and her lover Vince were almost always there. Circe acting as a safe anchor and participating with the rest of us.
Margo, Carol, I and Diana
After Ars passed away I rarely left the home sim for a long time except for sets by Bara Jonson and Strum Diesel or events at OrmDricka and the C&P. These places I felt loved, welcomed and fairly safe. I cannot say how I would have managed without them, but I am happy they were there when I was in need.
Margo, Carol, I, Joetonight and Diana
As I was preparing for the last show of C&P at Circe´s Sunset Jazz Club I was sad but at the same time happy, because although I knew this was the last time I would be going there I would also meet the other regulars who had become my fiends, Circe, Elfay, Diana, Carol, Joetonight, Margo, Ex, Mari (who unfortunately could not be there this Sunday), DoubleDown Tandino (whom I meanly have renamed DDT for short) and more, many more.
It is sad when good things come to an end, but I for one will relish in the sweet memories of those days until I lose my mind or die. The last show was a Valentines Day celebration, if you should wonder about all the hearts.
The regulars assembled for a last shot

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Career Opportunity

Well, well, I got a semi-anonymous tip, from someone whom I choose to call "Idde", directing my attention to a post at Joe Jervis´s exceptional blog Joe.My.God. that I somehow had overlooked earlier.

It seems like my second most favorite suspected villain Julian Assange has now found new and creative ways to work from his house arrest in Britain, where he is awaiting the judgement of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom on his possible extradition to Sweden (where he is to be interrogated on suspicion of two counts of rape).


Unknown artist
We all come to SecondLife with different expectations, so it must be expected that some will leave sooner or later. I have been thinking about the way people choose to depart once they find that our world, or its residents, does not offer them what they had wished for.

Some come with the hopes of a cool game where they can score points and move from one level to the next. A game that will give them a few - or many - hours of entertainment. Others come to SecondLife with the expectation to meet a perfect world where they will be entertained by others.

Well, SecondLife is not a game, it never was and it will never be. You enter this world with your own personality, your talents and your interests, much like in first life actually. Just as in the first life you cannot expect to be entertained by others all the time.

SecondLife, just like first life is what you make of it yourself. What you put into it matters and what you offer others matters a hell of a lot too. If you are a recluse, you can remain a recluse and devote yourself to the activities you find rewarding or beneficial. If on the other hand you have an outgoing personality it is all about relationships and context, you can join in and take part and make your contribution to the world.

Those expecting a technologically perfect world in SecondLife are also bound to be badly disappointed, because SecondLife is not perfect, never was and hopefully never will be. Just as in first life there are bugs, annoying malfunctions and irritating quirks. Sure Linden Lab smooths out some of them over time and somethings improve only to create other new obstacles. During my almost five years inworld conditions have improved vastly in so many ways and slowly and steadily. As new features have been developed new problems have arisen and the lovable tech-geeks at the Lab have gotten new problems to deal with. But most importantly our beautiful world continues to develop and improve.

"Turning Away", self portrait by Scott Hutchinson
The way people choose to depart from SecondLife vary a lot. The short lived ones are not a problem, nor are the recluses, because none of these have created friendships or relationships that can or will miss them.

The worst kind of departures are those that suddenly just drop off the radar without a word after creating longstanding relationships and friendships with others who care for them and worry. By their action they tell us that we are not even worth the time or effort of saying goodbye to.

The second worst departures are those who leave with recriminations and rantings about how Linden Lab or the other residents inworld - or outside of it - did not live up to their expectations of entertainment or performance. They might as well say it outright, "You are losers for staying on!"

I would wish people learned to leave SecondLife with some dignity or style, saying "Goodbye and thanks for all the good times but I have found other interests in life and am moving on. I have valued your love and friendship over the years." It would feel so much better than when they leave with bitterness, recriminations and complaints that we or the world we love - are imperfect, unsatisfactory or do not meet with their standards. neither inworld or in our first life activities.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Just Get Out al-Assad informs us;
The United Nations general assembly has approved a resolution backing an Arab League plan that calls on the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad to step down and strongly condemns human rights violations in Syria by his regime.
The vote in the 193-member body was 137-12 with 17 abstentions. Russia and China, who vetoed a similar resolution in the security council, voted against the resolution.
There are no vetoes in the general assembly and its resolutions are not legally binding, but they do reflect world opinion on major issues.
Western diplomats were hoping for a high yes vote to deliver a strong message to Assad to immediately end all human rights violations and attacks on civilians and hand power to his vice-president.
"Today the UN General Assembly sent a clear message to the people of Syria - the world is with you," US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice said in a statement. "An overwhelming majority of UN member states have backed the plan put forward by the Arab League to end the suffering of Syrians. Bashar al-Assad has never been more isolated." (Full article here)

"Fuck the hell out of there al-Assad and for fucks sake stop killing your people", is my interpretation of the worlds message to Assad in this resolution.

Not surprisingly the mass murderer by proxy of his own people Assad was supported - yet again - by Russia, under orders from the "little father" Putin and his puppet Medvedev. and the Dictatorial Republic of China.

The Oldest Swedish Avatar Gets Older

Happy seventh rezday my dear friend PetGirl Bergman, also lovingly known as Tina, the concierge at the Embassy, "that woman" or even "the oldest living female Swedish avatar in SecondLife".

Who would believe that such an old avatar would still be alive and kicking and sexy and fun? 95 must be the new 25, or something... 

Lucky Woman & Luckier Man - UPDATED

Emarald Harvey
Look at that beautiful man in his humorous picture! It is my buddy Emarald one of his contributions to this blogs series "Nakna avatarer i SL" (Nude Avatars in SL)

Would you believe that this boyish, charming and talented man with a wonderful sense of humor could capture and hold the heart of one of the most kind, caring, talented and beautiful women in SecondLife for four years? Four years in SecondLife, that must be something like 25 years in first life, even for a straight couple.

Well, I know both Emarald and his wonderful wife Zigadena Gabardini and today they are celebrating their fourth anniversary, and let me tell you I am not in the least surprised. They complete each other in all the ways a long-lasting couple should.

Ziga attacking my buddy Em
Today my two lovely friends are celebrating their fourth wedding anniversary at one of the friendliest places in SecondLife Club Ormdricka and of course everyone is invited.

The party starts at 12.30 PM SLT. I for one am going to be there! Club Ormdricka (SLurl).

UPDATE: Ughhh terrible! First I overslept until 1.38 PM SLT and when I finally logged in I could not teleport anywhere. I managed to get hold of my buddy Em but the sweet Ziga had already retired. Hugsand kisses my darlings, I am so sorry about this mess, talk to you tomorrow!