Friday, April 20, 2012

Musings at Haakon´s Bridge

I am not in the best of moods right now and don´t really know why. This shift in my state of mind came after the last weekend and has not eased off yet.

Following the New Years Day debacle I have found that I, more or less deliberately, have avoided mentioning Ars on my blog so as not to draw unfriendly attention to him again and that I have also raised barriers around my first life. This new found habit of self-censorship is a fundamental betrayal of myself and the reasons for the existence of this blog. It has to stop immediately!

I miss my Ars terribly and the big family I once had in my SecondLife. When I was talking with a friend the other evening and mentioned my SecondLife family he said "I have never really understood the concept of ´family´ in SecondLife." This comment made me start to think what it was all really about and I am not finished thinking about it yet, but when I am I will tell you all.

Yesterday I read a post on the Swedish blog Blanche´s Arena that "the avatar formerly known as Sven Idyll" has now shutdown yet another blog and started a new one instead.

In the new blog he tells us how he and his female "partner in crime" have been successfully researching the SecondLife blogs written by Swedes to find out the bloggers first life identity through compilation of the information they give about themselves in the blogs or elsewhere and by technical data. I am hoping that the collecting and compiling of this information has given them a sense of satisfaction, fulfillment and power so they can find more worthy causes to focus their talents on.

People who feel powerless and frustrated can get dangerous as we have seen many times before and are now witnessing in a trial in Oslo, Norway. I am doing all I can to avoid the radio and television coverage of that trial, it gets too close, and am instead sticking to the reports in the printed media (not the tabloids).

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Wonderful Experience

Tonight was the night when Bara Jonson and Free Balan were going to perform an all-Swedish set at Club OrmDricka (lovingly called OD by many).

As I wanted to be sure to get a place on the homestead sim I arrived very early, already an hour before their gig started. And I am happy that I did! It was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!

Nasty Habit

(via Pink News)

Turin´s GLBT Film Festival promotional video exposes the last remaining taboo. I think we can all agree on that this shows us a truly nasty habit which unfortunately is far to common.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Stop Press: Bara & Free @ OrmDricka

By special notice from the lairds Chief Technical Officer Mrs. Vampi Twine-DeSantis-McMillan-McMillan (honorary), who is also the proprietor of Club OrmDricka, I am proud to inform you that you are all invited to a command performance of Bara Jonson and Free Balan at OrmDricka.

I am sure it is a command performance because Bara owes Vampi a lot of gratitude for her support over the years. For this special occasion only Bara and Free will do an all-Swedish set, which among other things means the premier performance of the Swedish version of Bara´s most famous song "Far and away".

The event takes place at the sim Andromeda Isle (SLurl) tomorrow Thursday April 19, 2012, 12:30 PM. (better get there early as Andromeda Isle is a homestead and only carries 20 avatars).

My Sergeant at Arms sirhc DeSantis will entertain us before and after the main act.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Two Pictures

While I was in-world yesterday I wasn't in a good mood and just wanted to stay on the home sim. While I was walking around on Southern Charm, checking the place to see all was good and safe, I talked with a few of my friends.

Two of them sent me these pictures and they did cheer me up a bit, so I wanted to share them with you.
Butch trying out his new rocking chair (Photo by Butch Diavolo)
"Farmer Bock" chewing a straw of barley (Photo by Blanche Argus)

The Trial

The trial at the District Court of Oslo, Norway, against mass-murderer A.B.B. started yesterday.

A.B.B. confessed to having killed 77 people by setting off a car bomb at government headquarters in Oslo on July 22 2011 and them going on a shooting spree at a summer youth camp at the island of Utøya. However he pleaded not guilty because the acts were justified as he acted in defense of his countrymen who were in peril from Islamist supremacy and multicultural influences supported by the Norwegian political establishment.

The trial is expected to go on for 10 weeks or more, as it seems that the defense attorney Geir Lippestad has bought in to the defendants strange view of the world and is - very surprisingly - being allowed by the court to bring evidence to support it.

 Photograph: Heiko Junge/AP
The self-confessed mass-murderer was unmoved as the prosecutors stated the specific circumstances of 119 persons killed or wounded by his acts but was moved to tears when watching the video he produced and posted on YouTube shortly before going on his rampage.

Nothing at all unexpected in this case yet, but my reactions to it surprise me. I am indifferent and disengaged, I will keep on following it I am sure, but will not post much.