Friday, June 8, 2012

What WorkingDan Missed

The Swedish Bikini Team
Eat your heart out WorkingDan (url), I had these girls waiting for you in the barn on Southern Charm at my Kiss-A-Swede event.

The girls from the Swedish Bikini Team were thrilled to be there for you (I had told them about your absolutely cute lily white ass), but as you never showed up they were extremely disappointed when they finally left... not sure I can get them to come again next year...

(Fibbing, but I want to tach him a lesson...)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thank You!

I would like to thank all of you who came - and all of you who have let me know you would have come had it not been on such an awkward time for you - to my Kiss-A-Swede event yesterday.

It was wonderful to have you all there and I had a great time! Let´s do this again next year, huh?

Today I actually feel like the picture my sexy buddy Ziggy Starsmith took of me yesterday! He has it on his blog with a whole lot of other great pictures. The caption is from his blog too (See my previous entry from 12:05 AM today for links to that post and other blogposts with pictures from the kissfest.)
" [T]he spent and shattered Bock McMillan, Laird of Southern Charm flat on his back...fainted from [Ziggy´s] kissing expertise!" Photography by Ziggy Starsmith

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Fabrice Snook Foundation


ESTABLISHED: January, 2012

MISSION: To provide support to the LGBT Community in Second Life via fianancial donations to help promote a vibrant, active LGBT presence. In loving memory of Fabrice Snook.

STATEMENT from the Board Members: 
Not long after the news of the passing of Fabrice reached those of us in Second Life, it was determined that the legacy of this great LGBT activist and friend to all should continue with in-world, grid-wide impact.

Since Fabrice was a businessman in SL, and his successful ventures continued to operate (namely: Crazy Garden, Kikoo Designs, Flag Factory), it was decided that all proceeds from sales at these established businesses would be directed to a fund set up in this Foundation name – to be managed and distributed to LGBT organizations and entities in Second Life upon approval from the Board. We anticipate extended longevity of this Foundation as the treasury receives consistent replenishment from sales generated at various in-world store locations, planned fundraisers and miscellaneous donations.

Applications for funding along with guidelines for qualification can be obtained from any of the following Foundation Board Members (NoteCard, please – IM’s get capped easily). Applications are currently in the English language pending translations into multiple languages:

Avacar Bluestar          
Draghan Marksman         
Garth Raleigh
MissK Magic
Othon Weiland
Zaza (nefaso.resident)

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Questions/interviews – contact Foundation Spokesman Othon Weiland who will assist you.

* The Fabrice Snook Foundation operates impartially and independently from any other LGBT Organization.
* This announcement will repeat in several languages and locations throughout varying venues available for Press Release.

A Whole Lotta´ Kisses

The long awaited day was finally here, it was time for the second annual International Kiss-A-Swede Day in SecondLife!

You can send out invitations, but if you don´t ask for R.S.V.P´s you never know how many may turn up. I knew from the start that it was an awkward day and time for many non-Europeans. After all the Kiss-A-Swede Day hasn't been made a holiday in most other parts of the world, not yet.

Too my great pleasure many friends and other people did come to the event and quite a few from the American continent too. Actually they came in such droves that I wore out my kissing-HUD. It simply stopped working halfway through the event. Luckily for me many of the potential kissers had HUD´s of their own.

I would like to than all for who came to join in the fun and especially FelineFemme, who was an amazing DJ at the event, and my sexy buddy Butch Diavolo, who helped me out with the hosting.

Here are some pictures from the event, please enjoy! ... I should also have some of me kissing with my CTO Vampi Twine and with Helene Dragone and Fia Wycliffe, but somehow I cannot find them. (I was too busy focusing on my own kissing, but I heard and saw quite a few others going at it on their own - hopefully I will be able to link to other blogs later.). As always you can click the pictures to see them enlarged.

For even more pictures from the event please visit my friends blogs!
  1. My Avatar´s Name Is Apmel; Kissing Swedes
  2. Ziggy On The Edge Of Second Life; Bock McMillan´s International Kiss-A-Swede Day Party
  3. Free Your Mind; Kiss(ed) By a Swede
  4. Jasmines Little Corner; Kyssar i mängder
Studly Ziggy Starsmith pounces sexy Butch Diavolo
The gorgeous holyarcher and myself going at it, with Jasmine Cazalet as chaperone
Butch (as the Swedish chef) and myself hugging
Kissing the beautiful Jasmine Cazalet
Butch sharing his love with Jasmine
Awesome DJ FelineFemme gets a welcome-kiss
The unique Bejiita Imako and I in a sweet embrace, Cute Fia Wycliffe pretending she isn´t looking
My stud-buddy Ziggy Starsmith and I in a deep kiss
Hot Larz Kaz has pounced me
My darling "sarge", sirhc DeSantis, and myself sharing saliva 
Kissing with the beautiful Blanche Argus
My friend the always beautiful Gittrika Mint and I in a loving embrace
I have pounced my dear brother in-law Dejerrity Mycron
Jasmine gives me a deep kiss in a "special" spot
Kissing with the wonderful Anne Waco
Kissing with my sweet friend Carol Pixelmaid
Kissing with hot buddy Butch (now out of disguise)
My sweet sister Millimina has pounced me
My bosom buddy  (always the fashionista) Apmel Goosson and I
Closing in on the sweet Carol Pixelmaid (Photo by Carol)

Kiss-A-Swede Day Today

  • WHAT: The International Kiss-A-Swede Day in SecondLife with DJ FelineFemme
  • WHEN: Wednesday June 6, 2012, 11 AM-1 PM (That´s today!)
  • WHERESouthern Charm (SLurl)
  • WHO: Everyone and their friends
  • WHY: Because it will be fun and it may make your best dreams come through - or your worst nightmares! Kissable Swedish women and men will be waiting for you.

Fiscal Conservatism

Quoted from ©2011 Peter Dunlap-Shohl |
I'm always stunned with amazement when I hear or read about this or that group in the world voting against their own individual and social interests because they claim to prefer a particular politician or political party for being "fiscally conservative".

I simply cannot get into my head how it can be more important for anyone to have lower taxes, a balanced budgets or less government spending etc., than to receive full and equal human rights, the full protection of the law from harassment and bullying in the workplace and other walks of life, the right to marry the one you love or even the right to negotiate your wages the way you want or through whatever group you choose.

Cartoon by Drew Sheneman-Tribune Media Services
Taxation is not an evil in itself, not if you by taxation can ensure that your population gets decent healthcare, decent schooling, decent housing and decent social care, a decent police force, a decent defense and anything else we need from our government to feel good about ourselves as a society.

This rant was brought on today by the news that 34% of the trade unionists in Wisconsin, United States of America, yesterday voted for governor Scott Walker in the recall election. The same governor Walker who last year pushed through legislation that effectively ended collective bargaining for public employees and teachers in Wisconsin. However, I have been mulling over this to me bewildering phenomenon for some years now at different occasions, usually when I notice gay individuals or groups supporting bigoted and homophobic politicians and political parties that will not allow them full and equal human rights.

Is God Gay?

(via  SecondGAY - The Blog)

British comedian Ricky Gervais having fun with taking the Bible literally.