Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Blog Stats for September 2012

The total number of pageviews for Bock in SecondLife in September 2012 was 7,638, which is the lowest since December 2009. The all time high for the blog was set in April 2012, with 18,261 pageviews. March 2012 held the previous record of 16,569 pageviews.

Sweden still leads as my all time largest reader country with a total of 74,602 pageviews, followed by the United States with 73, 992 pageviews and the United Kingdom with 10,830 pageviews.

The three largest language groups among my readers in September 2012 were English (69.0 %), Swedish (12.0 %) and Dutch (8.0 %).

When the blog falls under 120 pageviews a month (as always not counting my own visits) I will start considering to keep this diary of my lives off the Internet.


Today I realized something profound about myself, it is somewhat surprising when that occurs at the advanced age of 42. I got the insight that I am infact extremely, thoroughly and militantly politically correct and proud of it.

I am/I believe in/I support
  • rule of law
  • fundamental human rights
  • democracy
  • feminism
  • atheist
  • humanist
  • wishy washy social democratic liberal of sorts
  • reformist
  • pro welfare state
  • pro health care by the state
  • anti death penalty
  • pro weapons control
  • pro atomic power
  • pro nuclear arms control
  • anti revolutionary 
  • anti racist
  • anti fascist/anti communist/anti nazist ad infinitum
  • gay rights
  • same-sex marriage
  • straight rights
  • different sex marriage
  • pro choice
  • the freedom of the press and the media
  • pro meat/non vegan
  • pro defense
etc. etc.(I may or may not add to the list as I come to think of views and standpoints that I adhere to.)

The derogatory use of the term P.C. to ridicule and minimize my ideals and views don't bother me at all.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Immoral Elite

"Tintin in Congo"
The past week we had a storm among the narrow minded Swedish "cultural elite".

The cause of the uproar was that Behrang Miri, the artistic director of the children and youth section at Kulturhuset of Stockholm (The Culture House), decided to move the Tintin books by Remi Hergè from the children and youth section to the adult section.

Miri´s reason for doing so, was that the Tintin books reflect racist and discriminating caricatures from a colonialistic perspective. In his view the fact that the books have lately been provided with a preface explaining that they are written during a time with other values ​​is not enough. In his opinion this was not something children should be exposed to alone.

Thw news of the move made the so called "cultural elite" of Sweden explode on Facebook, Twitter, blogs and you name it. These ethnic Swedes and other Westerners cried "censorship" at the top of their lungs and took upon themselves the right to tell those who are subjected to demeaning and insulting depictions and characterisations how, when and at what they could rightfully react. They should be ashamed of their words and actions in this bruhaha and are themselves part of the problem and not of the solution. Stupid twats!

Even more shameful is the fact that the direction of the Kulturhus, instead of backing their artistic director in his decision, caved in to the outcries and pressure from their buddies and cronies and moved the books back. Ignorant racist bastards!

Changing Appearances

Changing the way your avatar looks is a difficult thing for some of us, others do it with great ease and talent.

My own avatar has developed very slowly to the point where I am today. Sure I may do radical changes to fit a theme party or just for the hell of it, but when the party is over or my mood shifts I slip back into my comfort zone and revert back to "my look".

I do make changes, but only small ones that are difficult for others to detect and often go back again to try something else. Over time the changes are significant though.

My mentor in blogging, Eddi Haskell, has recently performed an extreme makeover and the result is truly amazing and stunning as you can see in this post on his blog. Eddi Haskell´s Second Life: Eddi Haskell´s New Look. However I will give you a sneak preview here.
Eddi Haskell´s New Look
Le derriere, douze points!

Are Men Endagered?

"Vitruvian Man" by Leonardo daVinci
"For a long time, evolutionary psychologists have claimed that we are all imprinted with adaptive imperatives from a distant past: men are faster and stronger and hardwired to fight for scarce resources, a trait that shows up in contemporary life as a drive to either murder or win on Wall Street. Women are more nurturing and compliant, suiting them perfectly to raise children and create harmony among neighbours. This kind of thinking frames our sense of the natural order.
But now it seems as if those fixed roles are more fungible than we ever imagined. A more female-dominated society does not necessarily translate into a soft feminine utopia. Women are becoming more aggressive and even violent in ways we once thought were exclusively reserved for men. This drive shows up in a new breed of female murderers and also in a rising class of young female "killers" on Wall Street. Whether the shift can be attributed to women now being socialised differently or whether it's simply an artefact of our having misunderstood how women are "hardwired" in the first place is at this point unanswerable and makes no difference. Difficult as it is to conceive, the very rigid story we believed about ourselves is obviously no longer true. There is no "natural" order, only the way things are."
The quote above is an excerpt from an extract of an intersting book by Hanna Rosin in todays Observer/guardian.co.uk. Read more here "Hanna Rosin: are men an endagerd species?" (url)

Dad Again

Very early Friday morning my mother called me on the phone to tell me that my father wanted me to accompany him to the hospital. He had had a small sore - of unknown origin - on his calf that despite treatment from a registered nurse and antibiotics hade become very infected. He had not eaten or slept much for two days due to the pains.

I got there in 30 minutes and saw that he was not in a good state. The small wound had grown and the whole calf was red, swollen and extremely tender to the touch. He could not walk by himself and was too heavy for me to handle alone, so we called the home health care services and they arranged for an ambulance transport.

The ambulance arrived within twenty minutes and we were soon at the hospital.They immediately took a battery of bloodtests and after seeing the doctor he got morphine to kill the pains and an antibiotic drip directly into his blood stream. He was admitted to the Infection Clinic.

Later that day I learned that his blood sedimentation rate (SR) when he was admitted to hospital was sky high at 241, where it in men over 50 should be under 20 mm/hr.

On Saturday evening he was already feeling better after a few hours sleep, he was more alert and had even eaten half a meal. His SR had sunk to under 200 so he was responding well to the treatment and was in less pain. The doctors were considering draining the sterpto cocci inflammation but had not yet done so.

Although the doctors now tell us that everything should go well, I am still concerned about the how and why the small wounds arose and how it could get so bad so fast even with the ddaily care from the nurse and the antibiotics.

At this point in my life I am extremely grateful that we have excellent and afforable healtcare in Sweden and are not subjected the same worries so many others face in similar situations. That is something I gladly and willingly pay higher taxes to achieve.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sleep Cycle

My sleep last night. The app tells me that my "sleep quality"
was 73 % even if it to me looks like I was awake a few times.
I have installed the app called "Sleep Cycle" (url) on my mobile phone a while back. It is actually the best alarm clock I have ever had in my life.

You put the mobile under the sheet at the head-end of your bed and it analyzes your sleep cycle pattern while you sleep. Of course you have all kinds of options in setting it, but I have set it to wake me up in a 30 minutes time-frame when it best fits into my sleep cycle. 

The thing that has always made me totally sick of other alarm clocks, the repetitive buzzes or other monotonous and noisy sounds, which have always freaked me out and made me very angry or irritated first thing in the morning have now been replaced by a lovely, kind and unobtrusive tune that is called "Warm breeze". After a while it adds a friendly vibration.

I highly recommend downloading it, I have never been happier to wake up than I have been since I started using it.

P.S. And of course (sic!) you can set the app to send messages about your sleep to post on Facebook.