Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Clouded Transparency

A fundamental part of the Swedish democratic structure is the rule that everything is public unless expressly declared to be classified by certain strict criteria. Most other nations have the opposite rule, where everything is secret unless expressly declared as public. 

These rules have been considered so important in Sweden that the laws surrounding them have been made into constitutional laws since 1766. According to the rules every document received, dispatched or drawn up by a public authority are to be made available without delay or cost to the public. The documents should be recorded in a diary without delay showing
a) the date the document was received, dispatched or drawn up by the authority,
b) the serial number or other designation that has been given to the document,
c) from whom the document has been received or to whom it has been dispatched and
d) a brief summary of what the document pertains.

Today it was revealed that the Cabinet Office has been fiddling with the rules in an attempt to cover up a scandal that erupted earlier this year concerning a weapons factory collaboration between Sweden and the Saudi Arabian dictatorship. An email from 2010 has been removed from the Cabinet Office´s diary contrary to all rules. The email contained sensitive information showing that the Swedish government was well aware of the illegal and irregular setup of the collaboration, long before the time when the government have previously admitted to any knowledge of the scheme.

The fact that it has been revealed that the highest public officials in the country have been involved in such unconstitutional acts that have undermined well established rules of the Swedish democracy is certain to have serious ramifications.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Family Meetings

Monday was spent with meetings and conversations with family members. In one of the conversations the following remark was uttered, "Your nuts are safe with me". Guess which one!

My sister Millimina and I
My stepson Guyke and I
My brother in-law Dej and I

Talking with Dej

Yesterday I had a good and long talk with my brother in-law Dejerrity about things that are important to both of us. I love the fact that I can always rely on Dej´s honesty and love. The beautiful man is straightforward, caring and considerate.

The conversation gave me much to think about.

Later in the evening i dropped in for a short while at the surprise party for Larz Kas in celebration of his first life birthday. Pictures from the party can be seen at my son in-law Ziggy Starsmith´s blog post Larz Kas Birthday at Resurrected Ironworks Club.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Diana Has a New Profile Picture

Photo by Skip Staheli
Skip Staheli really sees and enhances my friend Diana Gilderoy´s beauty and sexiness in this picture. Wonderful work!

More of Skip´s beautiful photography can be found here (url)

SLurl to Skip´s studio in SecondLife, The Photo Fantasy Studio Purple Cows

Multiple Princes?

Snow White´s song works for the first prince, but what if the first prince has come and then gone away? Can we actually hope for a second coming, a second visit, or is that it, once and never again? What if another prince actually does come along, how do we juggle that and - perhaps even more more important - how will the second prince handle the fact that there has been a first? Can anyone compete with a shadow and win or even tie? Should there even be a competition? And if there is a competition how do you weigh one against the other?

Or to summarize, how does one avoid comparison between the first and the second prince even if it is only in your own mind?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Dig Deep

My friend Garth Raleigh at the Gay Archipelago has posted this request on the GWNews blog today.

"In order to prepare the Fabrice Snook’s commemoration taking place on Chilipepper November 23 from 1:00 pm slt, we need your help.

We’re seeking your pictures (full perm) of our friend Fabrice for a special project to celebrate this man’s time with us in Second Life. Pics of all situations, funny, goofy, serious … (no nude photos or sex).

A special souvenir book will be distributed at this event.

Send your photos to Zaza (Nefaso Resident)

Thank you in advance for your contribution to this project!"

Fabrice was a kind and charming man whom I got to know better only shortly before he passed away, even if I had met him around SecondLife for a very long time before that. 

I will be happy to share the few pictures I have of this wonderful man. I am hoping my sister Millimina sees this and sends in a few of her pictures of Fabrice from Miss Wigstock 2010 also...