Saturday, November 17, 2012

Support Us or Else: Message to Straight Men

This threa... ummm message should convince more straight guys to support same-sex marriage!


  1. ROFL :) That was great! You'll have them shaking in their butt ugly straight guy boots (Diana has seen more than her fair share of straight guy fashion fiascos)

    >>>>>>>runs to kitchen and checks to make sure she has eggs, cream & chickpeas.....waits for proposal :)

    1. LTNS Diana dearest! Well, I am assuming that Hunter is a straight ally, but should my assumption be false please tell me a.s.a.p. and I will gladly propose to you. ;)

      Hugs and hope to see you soon

    2. P.S. I must admit that I am still a lousy cook, however I plan on taking a gay cooking class so that I someday can make a woman happy by making her quiche, hummus and baba ganoush from scratch... just so you know ;)

  2. Hunter is a straight ally :) The video does make a compelling case, tho. Now, I will eternally wonder why straight women marry straight men :) ooooo, it's cuz they ????? struggles to find a reason :)

    1. Well of course I can wholeheartedly understand your attraction to me, and I am sure there are great men out there especially among the straight allies.

      The straight allies girls are off limits to us alas - otherwise I would be on my knees in front of you in 5 seconds flat. ;)


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