Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Predict How SL Will Do in 2013

My mentor in blogging Eddi Haskell over at Eddi Haskell´s Second Life (url) has a poll running, for only two more days, concerning what SecondLife inhabitants believe will  be the state of SecondLife´s health at the end of 2013.

The poll can be found in the upper right hand corner of the blog. Go there and tell us what you think!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Je Suis Là Aussi

My bosom buddy Apmel Goosson tipped me about this new virtual world in his post For this party you have to join a new world!
At the landing place
The new world is called "AIRE Mille Flux" (webpage url), and you are rezzed even uglier than you did in SecondLife in March of 2007. It seems to be a French artsy world and not that exciting yet... 8 sims and at least three are private.

Perhaps the artworld is hoping that they can convince the annoying Ms. SaveMe Oh to emigrate there so they don't have to bounce her off their sims and ban her all the time.

I´m Needy...

I am sicker than I have been anytime ever before in my whole life with this uncommon cold. It´s really pathetic I know, but like the classic description of a man sick in "man cold", I believe that I am on the brink of death.

The support I get through daily telephone conversations with my parents and my boss, who unanimously tell me that I am a good, brave and strong boy and more likely than not will actually survive this ordeal, just aren't nearly enough to console me.

No hugs and kisses please, just kind and supportive words will do fine! Just tell me you think I may survive, even if you do not believe it yourself. (You are allowed to lie to a dying man!)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Holiday Greetings 2012

Yeah, it´s way too early but I am overcompensating for all those times I never got it out or sent it very late!

Spectacular Immersion

I am home sick today with a really bad cold of a magnitude I have seldom experienced before. However, between the fever spikes and the chills I feel well enough to blog a while.

On Sunday I attended the premiere (?) of The Change, a metaverse rock opera. You can read my plug for the project in my previous post The Change (url). The show will be playing every Sunday at 1 PM SLT for an as yet undetermined period (or if there is an end date I have not yet stumbled upon it).

If I were you I would definitely try to catch it, because I am going back to see it at least one time more. It is an out-of-worldly, spectacular, musical and dramatic immersive experience. I was completely thrilled and fascinated from start to end by the music and the performances, even if I some trouble following the monologues and dialogues. The latter was most likely because of my mounting fever and being unfocused.

I am now going to show you some pictures I took at the show, but let me tell you they do not do complete justice to the show. You have to be there and be immersed in the music, the movements of the scenery and the changing camera angles to experience and enjoy the immersion.
Even though the performers complained somewhat that the SecondLife servers were a hindrance and botched up their performances.  I can fully aúnderstand how annoying it must be for the performers that something does not work out exactly how they had envisioned it, but as a member of the audience I never noticed any major glitches or problems.

Just go see it for yourselves, be dazzled and get food for thought!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Seasonal Chores

The time has come to prepare for the traditional - well for those of us belonging to the Western European and Judeo-Christian culture - seasonal celebrations. As an atheist Swede, who was  born into our secular lutheran church, I am of course referring to Christmas and New Year.

For Ars, as for many other Americans, decorating - or even over-decorating - for the any of the holidays was a cherished obligation. He used to go completely bonkers and we had colored lights, poinsettias, christmas trees etc, etc, all over the place. I am more low-key, much more.

One of the things I do like to do however is sending out greetings to friends and family, even those I haven't been in touch with for months or even years. I still love them and think of them its just complacency, life and other obligations that has caused a - temporary - breach in the daily or at least regular contact.

Another thing I like is having a get-together before people get immersed in their first life families and obligations. This year I had delegated to - or rather pressured - Millimina and Guyke to handle the party, alas they could not get their scheduled synchronized so the party will have to be in the New Year instead, which is fine by me too because a party when people get back to SecondLife is just as good.

Well, to come to the point, yesterday I went to Calas Galadhon (I always go there) to take pictures for my card. I had a great time with myself and the camera in the Firestorm viewer.

Entire Soccer Team Sacked for Homophobia

Sörskogens IF, the first team of 2012
After a soccer game in the 7th division of the Swedish league between the LGBT team Stockholm Snipers and Sörskogen IF, the whole first team of Sörskogens IF has been fired by the clubs board. The reason for this decision was that some of the players of Sörskogen called Sniper players "HIV infected", "sluts" and said things like "You suck dick for 50 crowns" to them.

Sörskogens IF has also received a fine of five thousand Swedish crowns (U.S. $750). The players were ordered to join an ethics course at Stockholm's soccer federation, which they refused. They claim they have made ​​no homophobic statements. 

Ketil Torp, chairman of the board of Sörskogen IF says, "The players unwillingness to apologize, or even admit to the wrongdoings, were the reason for sacking them. It is clear that the team does not consist of 15 villains, rather of a few black sheep, but they are protecting each other and do not want to stand up for what has happened. When you're a team, you have to work together to ensure that all is done in a good manner. The players have shown no willingness to communicate with us. Had they done so, we might not have had to fire them. It is important to put your foot down, to show which values ​​the team stands for especially since we have so many young people and children on the team."