Friday, December 28, 2012

Cease and Desist

I am receiving a shitload of offline messages from two of my loved ones in SecondLife.

As I understand it the two are at each others throats for some reason that I do not yet know or understand. I am not feeling up to getting involved in this today, but I am feeling better and will be in-world tomorrow again to speak with you both in turn. I am convinced we will work this out.

Meanwhile I would like to tell and kindly request the following.
  • I love you both very much and refuse to imagine a SecondLife without either of you in it.
  • Please, cease and desist from any further direct or indirect communication with each other for the time being.
  • No one moves anywhere or leaves anything before I have had the possibility to talk with the party concerned.

See you both tomorrow!

I ask that some responsible person that knows what I am talking about in this strange post please does me the favor of directing my two loved ones attention to this post. Thank you, I am much obliged!

Thursday, December 27, 2012


I´m not quite sure what happened, but suddenly and quite unexpectedly - for me at least - I am back in the dumps. The medication I am on have now so limited the scope and depths of my feelings that everything seems connected with "tired". "Happy and tired", "doing fine and tired", "sad and tired", "bored and tired" and sometimes even "tired and tired".

Even I get bored with myself, its no wonder that others do too.
Photography by Peter Marlow
The way I know if I am feeling better or worse is if I wish contact with others or not. Right now I just avoid contact, I can easily do that in first life by turning off the cellphone or simply by refusing to answer, in SecondLife it´s not that easy, so I am staying away until my mood changes.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Just A Beautiful Picture

Photography by W. Eugene Smith (1918-1978)
This picture somehow reminds me of a western movie I once saw, cannot remember which. The picture is said to be taken during WWII and show a soldier washing up after coming home.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Doomsday Survivors

On Sunday I met up with Dej before going to the commemoration party for Circe Broom.

We were both feeling like shit but for various reasons. I had my "bad-flu-masquerading-as-an-uncommon-cold-with-the-head- and- body-aches-not-turning-up-until-much-later" while Dej had some ugly first life issues unfolding. We decided that we sure as hell were N-O-T going to get properly dressed for the whole holiday instead we would just slouch around in our pajamas and curlers looking at the decorated Christmas tree!
Photo by Dejerrity Mycron
Yesterday - which was the big Christmas event in Sweden - my parents sent me some Christmas food and my Christmas presents with my first life brother in-law, so that I would not totally miss out on the festivities. I stowed it all into the fridge and haven´t felt any inclination to even look at it. If I even think of food I just want to throw up. They also sent some medications though and those were helpful, both the expectorant cough-medication and the Serevent® Diskus®. I can actually breathe again without much problem.
Dej and I have decided to blame it all - everything - on the damned Mayans and their latter day doomsday prophets/con men.

Monday, December 24, 2012

The Gospel According to Luke, ver 2.0

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark (den danske folkekirke) has made a charming and humorous video showing how the gospel according to Luke most likely would have unfolded if Mary and Joseph had lived in our present age.

The video starts with the virgin Mary receiving an email from the Archangel Gabriel when she logs into her Gmail. The email informs her that it may seem crazy but she is actually going to give birth to the son of God. She sends a text message to Joseph the carpenter, "I have received a strange email. Call me."

Joseph makes a status update on Facebook that Mary is pregnant. When someone says they did not know he was going to be a father, he reveals that the child is not his but the son of God to which he receives amazed and a sarcastic comments from his friends. Some even go so far as to dissolve their friendships with him.

Meanwhile the emperor Augustus sets up an event on Facebook: "Census".

Joseph starts to to plan the journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem using the online travel service, and checks the box for "roman free route". He also uses to check for lodgings in Bethlehem for a few nights. The only vacancy that appears is in a stable.

When the child is born Joseph makes a status update declaring that "It´s a boy!", he then receives greetings from the grandparents and others concerned and loads of likes

The story then goes on with the three wise men connecting and searching for gifts and travel routes to Bethlehem on the Internet and so on.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

To the Scandinavians in SecondLife

Jag önskar er alla en underbar jul med mycket god mat, goda drycker, trevligt sällskap och massor av julklappar! 

Om ni ska ut på vägarna och fara så kör försiktigt i halkan. Det är bättre att komma fram lite senare, än att inte komma fram alls.

Många kramar,

For secular Scandinavians the main event of Christmas is traditionally Christmas Eve. This is the day we get together with our families and friends to eat, drink and be merry. This of course also the day we share gifts with each other. 

Commemorative C&P for Circe

Today there will be a commemorative Coffee and Pajamas with DJ Elfay Pinkdot (aka +Lisa Feay)  honoring the memory of the late Circe Broom, who passed away on November 29, 2012 after a long struggle with her health.

Circe was a supernova on the SecondLife music and cultural scene. She ran the following clubs and venues until shortly before her passing, Sunset Jazz Club (established 2004), Memphis Pavilion, Luxor Stage, Cairo Theater, Circe's SanctuaryAnubis Art Gallery, and Temple of Bast.

This will be the first annual:Circe Broom Memorial Vodka & Coffee Xmas Crash! The commemorative party starts at 10 AM SLT and will take place at Brianna Beresford´s Tranquil Café (SLurl)

On a personal level I will always remember Circe as my energetic, warm, wonderful, kind, loving and supportive friend who in spite of her first life difficulties and her busy second life schedule always had time for a chat and a good laugh.