Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bye-Bye Benedict XVI

Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger, a k a Pope Benedict XVI, waves goodbye
I hope you do as you promised and retire to a life of quietness and prayer in a monastery. I am so looking forward to learning what really brought about this sudden, unexpected and almost unheard of turn of events.

Have You Found Love In SecondLife?

My mentor in the craft of blogging Eddi Haskell is running a new poll on his blog Eddi Haskell's Second Life where he asks "Have you ever fallen in love with someone you have met in Second Life?"

You will find the poll in the top right hand corner, go there and answer truthfully!.

NOH8 Avatars 28

VJ teno theriac
For more information about the The NOH8 Campaign and how to join it in SecondLife please read my previous post The NOH8 Campaign in SecondLife. There you will also find instructions on where to find the necessary duct tape and cheek painting free of charge.

If you would like to be a part of the NOH8 Campaign on this blog please send me your picture (fullperm), I will be happy to post it. Name the picture NOH8 and your avatar name and drop it on my profile or send it to my email

Take a look at teno's own amazing blog teno tc's.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Strum @ Stargazer's (Updated)

What can I say, except that it was wonderful to hear Strum Diesel singing again. It's been a long time since the last time I heard him, much too long.

The cat on the dance floor  is the very courageous Eliza Cabassoun, a long time Strum Diesel fan like myself, in her latest avatar.

Strum Diesel's meat-avatar, Sean Kagalis, has a homepage here. You can listen to some of his music there. There are also links to where you can buy his music and awesome merchandise like this t-shirt - which is a Must Have!

Monday, February 25, 2013

...And the Oscar Goes To...

The SecondLife Oscar for Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role this year goes to

Ms. Iendi Laville 

for her beautiful and convincing performance in the blog post  We Eloped!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Topics of the Day

With Butch Diavolo I discussed oysters. pearls and correct cosmology. Oh, I almost forgot, we also talked about a**h***s (the bad variety)
With Ziggy Starsmith I talked about kidney stones and what we may expect of our spouses in moments of crisis. I also told him he had been added to a short list.

Kahvy Sands and I talked about taking the first step, just moving and breaking patterns and visits to Spurts Beach. (I should add that the last topic was a joke, or so he tells me...) Kahvy also reminded me about having seen the inside of his steam bath several years ago.

Photography by Dejerrity Mycron
My brother in-law Dejerrity Mycron and I talked about the Oscars, his outing with a friend and the lighthouse at Southern Charm.
P,S. We also discussed the best way to choose a handbag (seemingly for a friends niece - but I am not quite sure).

What's Going On?

My blogging has been a bit irregular lately, for which I ask your pardon.

The image above is a true reflection of the state of my thought patterns at the moment. I am trying to get to grips with it.

It is easy for me to accept certain facts and to make a decision of "letting go" and "moving on", but when I try to break it down into actions that need to be taken or what course I wish to take out of my present predicament my brain simply shuts down and starts to produce beautiful and erratic confusion.

Since my Ars died I have made myself into a mausoleum for his memory, I realize that, but how do I change that? I have become so used to being the planet around his sun and reflecting the light that shone from him. Where do I find my new light source and how do I create my new universe?

A Swedish comedian said "Life is like a paper bag, empty and devoid of meaning if you don't fill it with something." So the question remains, what do I fill it with when I remove, or move from the center to the periphery or diminish what Ars has been in my life?

At the same time as all this is going on, I am also worrying about friends around me who have landed in real messes with their health and other first life issues compared to which my self absorption seems extremely petty and petulant.