Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Cute Butts of the SP Board

At today's meeting of the Second Pride Board I amused myself with taking a look "behind the scenes" and focused in the male members of the board. Cute bubble butts, don't cha think?

From left to right you see the cute behinds of Baz Ceawlin, Mr G, Doc Spad, Kyle Beckett, Tylo Mabellon, Dextrum Boucher & SquirtN Wonder. Missing in the picture - due to despicable gender discrimination - are the female members of the board Kharissa Indigo and Tootsie Nootan.

As always you can enlarge the picture by clicking on it.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

GA Community Mall - Grand Opening

"A FIRST-EVER within the LGBT Community in Second Life!  GRAND OPENING, SUNDAY MARCH 17TH, 2013
After many months of planning and construction, the newest service offered by the GA Coronal estate is a mall  dedicated to non-for-profit organizations in the LGBT Community.  These organizations are not asked to pay any rent or lease for the spaces provided, however they can sell some of their  products to help raise funds to maintain their varied goals and pass out their information to everyone.  We've got some of these groups installed comfortably - and more on the waiting list as we continue to build!
The GA Community Mall (SLurl)
The new GA Library is ready to receive visitors as well with it’s welcoming space for people to relax in the new Community Mall complete with video-streaming of LGBT events courtesy of videographer and VJ, Teno Theriac.
The GA Library (SLurl)
The Gay Land Office / Travel & Tourism Center is set to go for this weekend as is the outstanding Fine Art exhibition at the GAllery nearby!   􀀈
The GA Land Office and Travel & Tourist Center (SLurl)
You are all invited to the Grand Opening Events to celebrate this achievement and help support this growing venture for the LGBT Community in Second Life!
Garth Raleigh, Lead, Gay Archipelago"


12:00PM (noon) SLT      
To kick off this day-long celebration, the one-and-only Oliver Elton from Theatre on the Hill, headlines the stage at the Oval Concert Hall to get you in the mood for St. Patrick's day.

12:30 PM SLT   
A very special live performance by Second Life performer, AM Quar.  Come hear AM rock the Oval with his hot guitar licks in Blues, Latino, Rock and Love Ballads!

1:30 PM SLT  Posh Plaza Party
Posh Club continues the upbeat festivities with a 'Naughty Paddy Plaza Party' on the GA Coronal Plaza -  featuring the awesome DJ Alum with leprechaun hosts Lickinu and Megan. There's $L500 on the contest board for (what else?)  'Best In Green'  

The luck of the Irish to you all!

(Thank you Garth for this press release!)

Solace Island Goes Out with a Bang

It is sometimes said that "All good things must come to an end, the bad ones just go on forever". I always hated that expression and I do not believe it is true. However, some good things do sometimes come to an end and if that happens it is, in my not so humble opinion, better if it goes out with a bang and not a whimper.

Solace Island has, since it was first established as a Swedish stronghold in SecondLife in the early days, been an institution that for a very long time was only paralleled by the Swedish Embassy sims through the avatars that inhabited the place more than anything else. In later years another Swedish stronghold has grown up around Iendi Laville and her Yadkin sims.

The Swedish Embassy - alas - went out with a whimper through a bureaucratic decision and without any closing ceremonies whatsoever. Not so with Solace Island, the inhabitants would never allow that.

Yesterday Apmel Goosson, Kandinsky Beaumont and Millimina Salamander invited us all over to say goodbye to Solace Island with a huge bang. They were assisted in this by the performance artist Ms. SaveMe Oh, who made it a mission of mercy to see to it that it did not go unnoticed. She may have a heart after all, although I know many among the cultural elitists in SecondLife who would adamantly deny it.

When I first landed on the sim yesterday my graphic card was assaulted by an attack of white penises and other rubbish which made me think "Has the woman finally crossed the line into complete and utter madness?". As it turned out it was a griefer-attack by some pathetic soul who wanted to get back on the venerable and admittedly obnoxious Ms. Oh, but without her refinement.

Once the griefer had been dealt with those of us who were there had a wonderful time. SaveMe Oh put up a tremendous show and had us in the audience running from a white box to a black boxes through rows of onlooking donkeys (black box) or sheep (white box). If you happen to see an extremely manly shape hanging by one ankle under three balloons in the pictures below, that's me!
Thank you for the party dear family and friends Millimina, Apmel and Kandinsky.

I have been informed that you have made plans for a new home, but if there should be a delay in moving in please know that I would always be happy to offer a temporary home for the refugees from Solace Island on Southern Charm. I could always knock up a trailer park at the location where the barn is, if you do not want to sleep in the comfortable barn itself.

Friday, March 15, 2013


I blame Apmel! It's all his fault!

I blame Apmel, for drawing the attention of the Linden Gods to the existence of Solace Island by his art installation of penises!
Evidence photo by Kandinsky Beaumont,
neighbor, victim, evicted,homeless person
I blame Apmel, for drawing the attention of the whole art community and LEA to the existence of Solace Island by his constant defense of the obnoxious performance artist SaveMe Oh!
M Linden and SaveMe Oh, photo by the obnoxious artist herself
I blame Apmel, for drawing the attention of the moral majority and all decent avatars in-world to Solace Island by constantly running around naked - not only at his home sim - but also at every major art event in SecondLife since the beginning of SLT.
Through the above mentioned actions and more I blame Apmel for causing the eviction of my sister Millimina, my friend Kandinsky and many more from the Solace Island sim. I can well understand the Linden Gods for finally losing their patience with Apmel and putting pressure on the sim owners to shut down the place.

Come to Solace Island (SLurl) today at 2 PM SLT, to help Millimina, Kandinsky and the others to pack up their stuff and to blame Apmel for causing this disaster!

It's all Apmel's fault!

Love in SL - Results of the Poll Are In

The results on Eddi Haskell's poll on the interesting question: Have you ever fallen in love with someone you have met in Second Life? (Please answer only if you are a current or former resident.) are finally in!

Go here Eddi Haskell's Second Life: Poll Results to check out the surprising results!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Personal Message to Iendi

Dearest ex-missus Iendi,
I have been trying all evening to listen to the interview you did with me yesterday, but I cannot get it to work.
First i tried clicking the link in your archives, but nothing happened except I got an "Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to".
Then I tried copying the link and pasting it into my Winamp-player, but that did not work either.
At your suggestion I downloaded the VLC media player and tried the same link, that's when I got the lower message in the picture above.
Lastly I tried changing the file-type from .pls to .mp3 ( as you suggested in the offline message I just received, but that did not work either, as you can see from the upper message in the picture above.
I a giving up for the night, but I am actually starting to believe that I must have said something so terrible that destiny is trying to protect me from listening to it.
Yours truly,
P.S. Did Holy tell you that I had a serious talk with him yesterday?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My Radio Interview

Recently my ex-missus (from the April Fools Day prank) Iendi Laville asked me if I would consider being interviewed on her weekly radio show on her radio channel Iendi's Transistor in SecondLife.

After thinking about it for a moment I happily accepted.  We agreed to do it live and without any limitations as to which questions could be asked by Iendi or the audience. As I told Iendi, "I am a big boy, if I do not like or wish to answer a particular question I will say so when it is asked."
My sister Millimina Salamander and my buddy Apmel Ibetsson came to give me support
The interview started at 12 PM SLT today and lasted for approximately an hour, but the time passed extremely fast. I am not quite sure how it went really, but Iendi and I had a good time talking although I can hardly remember what we talked about. I will have to listen to it when Iendi posts it on the radio's blog, Iendis Transistor..The interview was in Swedish so I am afraid most of you will not understand much of it.
After the interview I danced with Blanche Argus
with Holy Archer looking on in the background