Thursday, March 14, 2013

Personal Message to Iendi

Dearest ex-missus Iendi,
I have been trying all evening to listen to the interview you did with me yesterday, but I cannot get it to work.
First i tried clicking the link in your archives, but nothing happened except I got an "Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to".
Then I tried copying the link and pasting it into my Winamp-player, but that did not work either.
At your suggestion I downloaded the VLC media player and tried the same link, that's when I got the lower message in the picture above.
Lastly I tried changing the file-type from .pls to .mp3 ( as you suggested in the offline message I just received, but that did not work either, as you can see from the upper message in the picture above.
I a giving up for the night, but I am actually starting to believe that I must have said something so terrible that destiny is trying to protect me from listening to it.
Yours truly,
P.S. Did Holy tell you that I had a serious talk with him yesterday?


  1. I have just heard your interview Bock and I can tell you dear Ziggy that he talked very good about his SL life and his friends here etc etc. :) Bra jobbat Bock nu gillar jag dig ännu mera när jag hört dig i voice med :)

    1. Tack Helene, det vr lätt och trevligt att prata med Iendi ;)

  2. Swedish always sounds like sex to English speakers, I am serious. It is a very sexy language to our ears.

  3. Especially tall hunky Royal Guards who work at the Royal Palace in Gamla Stan, the old town of Stockholm.

    1. Hush or I will whisper in your ear, "Give it to me, Eddi" ;)

  4. wohoo....*looking att Ziggy and sings* "I´m sexy and I know it....." *giggles*

  5. Ooooo do I detect love in the air? ;)

  6. Keep on dreaming, sweet Ziggy, but I was a perfect gentleman - even if I have to say so myself... ;)

  7. Awww sweet Ziggy, don't say that! I will do my very best to find you a nice Swedish boy - or girl if it must be... ;)

  8. Well that could be arranged too, but you realize that they are nowhere as sexy as Swedes, huh? ;)


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