Saturday, March 30, 2013

Are You Man Enough?

First Life Hunk of the Millennium

The supreme leader of the Democratic People's Republic of  Korea Kim Jong-Un was named "The Sexiest Man Alive for 2012", by the American satirical magazine The Onion last year, with the following reasoning (url).
"With his devastatingly handsome, round face, his boyish charm, and his strong, sturdy frame, this Pyongyang-bred heartthrob is every woman’s dream come true. Blessed with an air of power that masks an unmistakable cute, cuddly side, Kim made this newspaper’s editorial board swoon with his impeccable fashion sense, chic short hairstyle, and, of course, that famous smile.
'He has that rare ability to somehow be completely adorable and completely macho at the same time,' Onion Style and Entertainment editor Marissa Blake-Zweibel said. 'And that’s the quality that makes him the sort of man women want, and men want to be. He’s a real hunk with real intensity who also knows how to cut loose and let his hair down.'

This blog doesn't believe that a single year is enough to give well deserved praise to the megalomaniacal magnitude of overwhelming manliness and fabulously heavy and hairy balls of this peace loving benefactor of his own people and of all the workers in the world.

The little dictatorial twat will not be content with anything less than a millennium.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Wedding of Benja & Ryce 3/23/2013

It's a bit late to publish these pictures from Benja's and Ryce's wedding last Friday, but I blame it on my Philip-flu. Please enjoy!
The guests gathered and we were all handled a candle when we arrived
The master of ceremonies Aeschylus Shepherd and the best men
When the happy couple has joined the rest of the wedding party under the tabernacle the ceremonies could begin
The wedding guests listening to the guys as they exchange their marriage vows, Benja's  list was short and sweet while Ryce's liste went on for a good while (although one of his vows was not to overwhelm Benja - and everyone else, I am sure - with his excellent typing capacity).
One of the sexier guests listening attentively to Ryce's vows.
More guests are dumbstruck by Ryce's speed typing,
especially the fact that it was free of typos.
After the wedding ceremony we moved into the ballroom of the castle for music, dance and cutting of cakes and much much more - for those who were feeling well enough to stay until the end..
The grooms are cutting the wedding cake.
I am dancing with Kharissa Indigo while Butch Diavolo is grooving in the background
Kharissa and I kept on dancing until I had to leave when my fever spiked,
we sure looked wonderful together


Is there anyone still out there?

Waking up today from the feverish, cough-ridden and pitiful condition I have been in the last couple of days, I still feel a bit weak and am wondering what can have happened to the world when I have not been able to be around and take care of things and guide you all.
"Le laird aux camélias - self portrait" (2013) 
Artwork by Bock McMillan
based on a photograph by an unknown photographer
Looking back it has been a couple of horrible days. I have strange bruises on my body and can remember fainting on at least two separate occasions, almost fainting about 123 times (but I managed to get hold of a door post or something else firm or could huddle down to the floor before all the oxygen had left my system) or finding myself crawled up in a couch,  in bed or sitting on the floor in a fetal position with my neck bowed to the front and my arms and legs drawn up against my torso in a rigid cramp.

I took a cab to my appointment with my sweet Hungarian doctor yesterday, because I was too afraid of getting a cough attack while driving. He was rather calm and casual about my vivid descriptions of my condition since the onset of the flu on Friday. "My dear man", he said kindly and calmly, "you need a cough suppressant, because with your coughing attacks you are forcing the air out of your body instead of sucking it in." He gave me a prescription for my favorite medication of all time Cocillana etyfin.

The most dramatic aspect of my present condition taken care of we could move on to the rest. 

I feel mentally and emotionally stronger and the antidepressants seem to be working well in keeping me stable.

To my complaints about my diminishing eyesight he suggested I call the specialist that had examined  and diagnosed my cataract and tell her what I was telling hem, that my eyesight was getting worse and that as a lawyer I actually needed to be able to read and write to work, not in five or then years time but now. He could not make the specialist change her mind, but if she called him and asked his opinion - as she very well might do - he would support me.

The visit over with I went home and pottered around looking sexy in my boxers grabbing hold of the walls and door posts from time to time but feeling better and did not faint any more. This morning I woke up after a good nights sleep and felt that the fever had finally left. 

Oh, did I tell you I love my old Hungarian healer?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Two Exciting Days (Updated)

"This week, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in two key marriage cases: On Tuesday, the Court will hear oral arguments in Hollingworth v. Perry, the challenge to California's Proposition 8, and on Wednesday, the Court will hear oral arguments in Windsor v. United States, the challenge to the so-called Defense of Marriage Act."

For a live blog from the courtroom, and later a recording and a transcript of the proceedings, please visit Freedom to Marry, Live Blog

The Supreme Court is expected to announce its rulings in June 2013

You can listen to the oral arguments on Proposition 8 here.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Knocked Out by the 4th Flu

Sweden has had four different flu-strains this winter which have been wrecking havoc among the population. I have already gone through three of them and was hoping that i would be lucky enough to avoid the fourth one.

Not so, while I was setting my auto-response message on my email at work on Friday - as I am taking a vacation until the Easter holidays - I felt my throat going all sore, the fever mounting in my delicious body and aches starting absolutely everywhere in my body, from head to feet and effecting every organ in between.

I managed to drop in at Benja's and Ryce's wedding yesterday and stay for a short while during the reception afterwards but then I was completely exhausted and had to crash into bed. '

I am blaming the weakness of my immune system on Philip Linden for the shocking news that he has deserted me into the hands of people I do not know or trust, with the possible exception of Mitch Kapor..

There will be no posts for a while until I feel much better! Take care all my darlings  and hope to see you soon!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

W T H Blogger?

I have "Showcase images with Lightbox" activated on my blog.

This option is according to the description supposed to do the following "When clicked, your images will open in an overlay on top of your blog. If your post has multiple images, they will appear as thumbnails along the bottom."

Well, today that's not happening and I don't like it one bit.

Blogger, please stop screwing around with my settings!