Wednesday, April 17, 2013

One Man Guy

"Commencing from April 13th 12 noon SLT at Gallery Assis is hosting Benjamin Glendale's new collection of images "One Man Guy".
A long time resident of Second Life, Benjamin is rediscovering exploration in SL and taking snaps of his adventures, primarily for his own enjoyment but also to be shared with others. Ben doesn't confine himself to one form of image over another, he takes photographs of people and/or places, landscapes or buildings, as inspired by his surroundings and the events taking place.
The collection at Gallery Assis is entitled "One Man Guy". It is inspired by the song written by Loudon Wainwright III of the same title, exploring the ramifications of "being your own one and only". Thanks go to the guys who own and run The Stud Farm, which was used as location for the images. 
The exhibition is sponsored by Lumipro, and exhibits together with new collections by Maloe Vasant, Capcat Ragu and Sydney Garnet".
Benjamin Glendale at Gallery Assis (SLurl)

My First Life Sucks

Beware, I am going to whine a bit again in this post!
"Sisyfos Lars" by Lars Korff Lofthus
In Greek mythology Sisyphus was a king of Ephyra punished for chronic deceitfulness by being compelled to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this action forever.

Although spring is finally arriving to Scandinavia and we have had three marvelous, mild and sunny days in a row with temperatures between 15-17°C (59-63°F) I feel like I am roleplaying as Sisyphus. My life seems like a constant battle and I am at odds with e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e in my first life except my father (surprisingly enough, because he is usually the first one I clash with).

I am down to one (1) friend that I stay in touch with and he lives in Stockholm 600 km away (372 miles), so it's a safe distance. It's been so long since I had "carnal knowledge" of anyone that I think I may have forgotten how to do it and that my hymen has grown back.

Everyone around me in first life is either an asshole, a dumbass or just a douchebag. Why am I suddenly surrounded by these people? Even my boss, whom I usually like for her direct approach and good sense of humor, has turned into a blubbering idiot.

I cannot imagine the fault lies with me in anyway whatsoever! No way!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Home Again

Today I ventured back into SecondLife again, for my first longer stay in a little while.

After first visiting with my Ars at Mirromere, I checked out Southern Charm to make sure everything was well. I needn't have worried of course, Dej had taken good care of the place and all of the animals were well fed and the plants that needed watering had been watered. Everything was as it should be. As I told Butch, it felt like coming home again.

Comhghairdeas Éire!

The Convention on the Constitution is a new venture in participative democracy in Ireland tasked with considering certain aspects of the Constitution to ensure that it is fully equipped for the 21st Century and making recommendations to the Oireachtas (the Irish Houses of parliament) on future amendments to be put to the people in referendums.

The Convention is a decision-making forum of 100 people, made up of 66 citizens, randomly selected and broadly representative of Irish society; 33 parliamentarians, nominated by their respective political parties and including an elected representative from each of the political parties in the Northern Ireland Assembly which accepted an invitation from the Government; and myself as it’s an independent Chairman.

One of the tasks that have been given to the Convention to consider are provisions for same-sex marriage.

The Convention on the Constitution met over two days this weekend to report recommendations to the Houses of the Oireachtas on constitutional provision for same-sex marriage.

The Convention decided to recommend that the Constitution be changed to allow for civil marriage for same-sex couples by:
Yes - 79%
 No - 19%
 No opinion – 1%

The members of the Convention were also asked what form the amendment should take. The convention decided that the amendment should be directive by
 Permissive  (‘the State may enact laws providing for same-sex marriage’) – 17% 
Directive (‘the State shall enact laws providing for same-sex marriage’) – 78%
 No opinion – 1%

A final question asked delegates if they agreed, disagreed or had no opinion that ‘having regard to the changed arrangements in relation to marriage, the State shall enact laws incorporating changed arrangements in regard to the parentage, guardianship and the upbringing of children’.

On this question the Convention decided:
Yes – 81%
 No – 12%
 No opinion – 2%

The matter now goes back to the Oireachtas för

After the report is officially sent to the Oireachtas, the Government is committed to responding within four months by way of a debate in the Oireachtas and if it agrees with the recommendation to amend the Constitution, to include a timeframe for a referendum.

Congratulations Ireland!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Must-See

"On the Grid; Living in Second Life" is a wonderful little documentary machinima made by on life in SecondLife and the residents differing views on it.

You can watch it on my buddy NE0 Timeless' blog Free Your Mind in this post Second Life Documentary: On the Grid. NE0 has always had an uncanny ability to find the most interesting machinimas on SecondLife. Kudos!

My favorite quote from the video is: "You can either say that there is NOTHING to do in Second Life... or that you can do ANYTHING"

Friday, April 12, 2013

Old, So So Old

I am no longer sick and went back to work again on Tuesday but although I have stopped coughing and fainting all over the place I still feel
- weak
- frail
- uninspired
- slow
- tired and
- old, oh so, so old....

I have aches and pains from every conceivable part of my wracked body, the head, the right ear, a tooth, my right shoulder, my wrists, my lower back, my stomach, both my knees and both my feet...

If this is what it means to get old I am going to log in to SecondLife on a more permanent basis.

Age progression by face of the future

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Taking Thatcherism To Task

(via J.M.G.)

The wonderful actress Glenda Jackson, MP for Labour, has a thing or two to say about Thatcherism and the tributes to the memory of the Iron Lady.