Showing posts with label old. Show all posts
Showing posts with label old. Show all posts

Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday Coma

As most Friday's I am exhausted after the work-week. I am not quite sure if it's my increasing age or the lack of sleep - or poor sleep during the week - that makes me so tired when Friday comes along.
"Exhausted, self portrait 2018" by Bock McMillan
Once upon a time Fridays used to be party time, now I just want to throw up at the thought. Ah, let's give up the pretence, I'm getting old - although the sleep thing may contribute.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Happy 10th Rezday, Kahvy!

Mr. Kahvy Smith, nee Sands, is my oldest existing friend in SecondLife.
Kahvy (left) with his husband Garrett
Although I had the honor of sharing my decade-rezday bash with him on March 18th, today is his actual 10th rezday!

Happy rezday, my very-very old friend, and I hope to be with you still when they pull the plugs to SecondLife in San Francisco.

I am going to include a message I sent to him on his 34th birthday (June 9, 2015), when he had complained to me that he then only "had another year left of being a young man".
"Kahvy, my dear friend,
Age is but a number, but always remember that ageing is mandatory but growing old is optional. You need not worry about being 35 in less than a year, because you actually have six more years until you are "old" as the official age of becoming old in the straight culture is 40.
However, on the other hand in the gay culture, you have already been old since you turned 30 as that is the official age for turning old among us gays. Enjoy the rest of your life as an old queer and get the f-u-c-k over it!
Many happy birthday wishes, my dear old friend!"

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Dynamic Duo Turn 10 - Party!

The dynamic duo consisting of Kahvy Smith and Bock McMillan are both turning 10 this year and are celebrating their anniversaries with a joint party for all their friends.

DJ Lee McKay

Garrett Smith and Tomais Ashdene, contact these guys for any inquiries concerning the event.

Saturday March 18, 2017, 12PM (noon) - 2PM SLT

The Northmead Gallery (SLurl) at Southern Charm

Leisurely Urban Chic

Anyone who brings canes, walkers and/or blue pills will be ejected off the sim without mercy. (We may be somewhat "ripe" and on the mature side, but we are by no means "old" or even "elderly" at all!)

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Petr, Older Than Dirt Avatar Celebrates 5th Anniversary

Despite adamant denials and extensive pixel-surgery that has him looking younger than a two year old Petr Hastings-Vanbeek recently admitted to being older than dirt, although still maintaining that he is much younger than the venerable old man Dejerrity Mycron.

Happy Dirt-day, you grumpy young avatar, and may you also have many, many more! And also congratulations to you and Tasty on your fifth anniversary.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

To Mr. Kahvy Smith: "You Are Already Old!"

Yesterday I had two discussions with my friend Kahvy.
The first one occurred when I logged into SecondLife and received a gesture from him. It seems we both suffer from being married to men with the same hoarding addiction, boats.

I tried it out on my sweet hubby immediately and this is the reaction I received:
[13:48] Bock McMillan shouts: "** You don't NEED another Boat!!!**"
[13:48] Tomais Ashdene shouts: "Dream on, Monkey Boy!"

I was not at all surprised by that response, and to be quite honest, I don't really mind Tomais buying every damn boat that is put up for sale in SecondLife. Kahvy confessed feeling the same way about Garrett's hoarding. We decided that both our husbands are wonderful men and this little flaw of theirs is not much to make a fuss about.

Later, about ten minutes before midnight CET, Kahvy and my local time, Kahvy got back to me and complained that he "in ten minutes would only have a year left as a young man" because today is his 34th birthday. It seems that he lives in the erroneous belief that the official age of becoming "old" is 35.

I feel the need to correct him and perhaps also sooth him, so my birthday present is this statement.
"Kahvy, my dear friend,
Age is but a number, but always remember that ageing is mandatory but growing old is optional. You need not worry about being 35 in less than a year, because you actually have six more years until you are "old" as the official age of becoming old in the straight culture is 40. 
However, on the other hand in the gay culture, you have already been old since you turned 30 as that is the official age for turning old among us gays. Enjoy the rest of your life as an old queer and get the f-u-c-k over it!
Many happy birthday wishes, my dear old friend!"

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Rhino Writers Broadcasting Party

SL Live Radio broadcast party at the Rhino Writers pavilion at SL10B can only be characterized as a thundering success.

DJ's Johny Alderton and Heloq Tomsen kept all of us in an excellent mood with their music and chat. The crowd was lively and and in excellent spirits so we all had a good time. Among other things I learned that Heloq is from Italy and that his name is pronounced "Ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-elo-kkkk".
Butch, myself & Guyke
From a strictly personal point of view there were a few added benefits and some drawbacks, which I will list for you here (What is it with me and lists these days, this must be the tenth in just a few days..?)


  1. I got to meet Dodo, my most dedicated reader (which was proven by the fact that he was the only one who had read my post on saggy pants)
  2. Vampi Twine-DeSantis-McMillan-McMillan (honorary) was there, I had not met her in a long time.
  3. Bastien Berboral kindly shared a few  landmarks to shops I had never heard of after showing me pics of their awesome clothing lines.


  1. My son told me that, "Face lights are so 80's!" (I am so not going to share my new landmarks with him.)
  2. My friend Butch told me that my beautiful skin is "OLD!". If I had newer skin I would not need face lights, was his reasoning.

Well I guess that's what you have family and friends for, to tell you the awful truth when you need to hear it. The only problems are that I feel ugly without the face light - as the old-timer that I am - and I love my skin. Oh well, maybe I do need to update my appearances, but it will be a struggle.... 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Old, So So Old

I am no longer sick and went back to work again on Tuesday but although I have stopped coughing and fainting all over the place I still feel
- weak
- frail
- uninspired
- slow
- tired and
- old, oh so, so old....

I have aches and pains from every conceivable part of my wracked body, the head, the right ear, a tooth, my right shoulder, my wrists, my lower back, my stomach, both my knees and both my feet...

If this is what it means to get old I am going to log in to SecondLife on a more permanent basis.

Age progression by face of the future