Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What My Philip Is Up To!

As you may remember, I posted awhile back that "my Philip", a.k.a. Philip Rosedale in first life and Philip Linden in SecondLife, had completely dropped out of the leadership of Linden Lab (both the management and the board).

Well, I put my dear friend, attorney and sleuth Diana Gilderoy on the track and she has now reported back with some exciting news.

My darling Philip has actually started work on creating a new and improved virtual world for us. Philip and Mitch Kapor and some other imaginative people have started a company named High Fidelity. On the company's blog the first thing they declare is this:
"The Idea
We're building a new virtual world enabling rich avatar interactions driven by sensor-equipped hardware, simulated and served by devices (phones, tablets and laptops/desktops) contributed by end-users."
Take a look here for more, High Fidelity blog and this interesting post on TechCrunch by Leena Rao, which was posted on April 4, 2013, Second Life Founder Raises $2.4M For New Stealth Startup, High Fidelity 

It is not yet known what Philip and his friends plan to call the new world but I should imagine that we can safely assume that ThirdLife is out of the question.

P.S.I have been thinking about this and have come to the conclusion that it is a really smart move by Philip to create a new and improved world from scratch, because that way he circumvents and avoids to have to deal with the usual crowd of loudmouthed residents in SecondLife who yell, kick and scream about any and every - minor or major - change that is made.

Monday, April 22, 2013

We Have A Deal

At our meeting today, I and my boss reached an agreement which we are both happy with. I am grateful to Dej and Guyke for support and encouragement during my initial confusion.

To Dej, yes dear, I did in fact behave extremely well and kept my cool throughout the discussions.

Earth Day 2013

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Family Meeting

My prodigal stepson Guyke returned to SecondLife today, after a few weeks away nurturing his first life. It was good to have him back again and we had the chance to get updated on what had been going on in each others lives.

A while later we were joined by my brother in-law Dej. The three of us were all talking together on Skype because Dej (the tech-wizard) cannot get his SecondLife voice to work for him. We had a pleasant family evening together on this special day.

At MWFW 2013 - The Shiki Show

Yesterday I took the time to drop in on the Euro Party at The Menswear Fashion Week, unfortunately I was late so it ended within less than 10 minutes of my arrival.

Nevertheless it wasn't a total waste of time because within a few minutes of my arrival at the venue I had the following conversation in Instant Message (IM):

[2013/04/20 14:50]  Lee McKay: Hot av!
[2013/04/20 14:52]  Bock McMillan: Thanks Lee ;) You aren't half-bad yourself? LOL
[2013/04/20 14:52]  Lee McKay: hehehe, thank you :)
[2013/04/20 14:54]  Bock McMillan: It was a real pleasure...
[2013/04/20 14:55]  Lee McKay: I'm having a real pleasure watching you :)

From that excellent start of a beautiful friendship we went on and talked awhile before deciding that we would meet again at the Shiki Show at 3 P.M. SLT and befriended each other.
A shitload of female avatars taking up space
When it was time for the Shiki Show I had huge troubles getting in because the venue was filled with mostly women, as if they don't have 51 out of 52 weeks a year in which to visit fashion shows. It is common knowledge that the ratio between fashion for menswear and womenswear in SecondLife is approximately 1:10,000 or maybe even 1:100,000. I cannot really see the need for women to hog the space and preventing interested male fashionistas from gaining access to the venue.
Lee and I at the Shiki Show
I had a conversation with one of the organizers, the kind and helpful Merrill Genesis, and suggested they raise the number of avatars allowed. Merrill agreed that it would be a good idea, especially as many in the audience were in the low lag icons. (As the obedient Swedish man I am, I had followed the request and had come to the show as a hot bowler hat, while ny new friend Lee - as the rebellious American man he is - totally ignored the request.) Soon after that I did get in on the venue with the help of Merrill and Lee.

The Shiki Show turned out to be a disappointing for me, I saw nothing I would ever wear in the show. All the same I had a good time chatting with Lee and avatar-watching (which is the SecondLife equivalent of people-watching, one of my favorite pastimes in first life).

In Loving Memory

Joseph Douglas Wilson Jr. 
★ April 21, 1953
† March 12, 2010

Ars Northmead
★ October 25, 2006
 March 12, 2010

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Menswear Fashion Week 2013

Listen up, all you male fashionistas of every conceivable sexual denomination and subgroup.
The Menswear Fashion Week 2013 is upon us. It started yesterday April 19 and continues through April 27 with a lot of shows and events. For the the calendar, please go here. When there are no shows and events it's all about s-h-o-p-p-i-n-g!

The organizers have this simple request of the visitors: "To keep lag low during the shows, be sure to grab our attendee package, wear the alpha layer, remove all attachments, and select your favorite Menswear Fashion Week Icon to help Derby, Stache and Tie continue their adventures at Menswear Fashion Week 2013. We look forward to seeing you here!"

Limousine to MWFW 2013 (SLurl)

I am personally going to visit as much as I possibly can and I hope to see all you hot guys there!

Event blog Second Life's Menswear Fashion Week 2013.

(Tipped by my buddy Garth Raleigh)