Sunday, June 16, 2013

When I Met My Brother

As I was checking out the Second Pride sims this morning I suddenly ran into my brother Martial Eisenhart, who was there for the same reason. And that was not a figure of speech because I did literally run into this immense man with bulging muscles when turning a corner.

If he had not worn his name-tag I definitely wouldn't have recognized him as he used to be a tall and very slim avatar. He tells me the reason his avatar has developed this bulkiness is that every time he leaves he drops his avatar off at a gym and sometimes it has taken awhile for him to return... so this is what developed.

It was a joyous coincidence because we haven't seen or been in touch with each other for quite a while. We made the most of it and talked for a long while, catching up with what had happened in each others first and Second lives.

I can still remember a time when being without Martial was totally unthinkable for me, but then again at that time there were others whom I thought of as fixtures in my life that would always be there also and we would never part.

Martial dropped out of SecondLife for a long awhile due to first life issues. We have not reconnected in the same way since, but I will always love him and be grateful to him for the wonderful times we shared.

On Bastards

I have always steadfastly maintained that it is one of life's basic truths that there are too few bastards in our lives.

What is important to know when you are reading my opinion above is that there are actually two different kinds of bastards.

First you have the bastards, that I am alluding to, the ones that say "To hell with it all, I will do and say what I wish." These are the ones who do not care about social conventions or rules that have been established to provide a sense of security to the more timorous among us. Although these bastards may sometimes hurt others feelings that is not their objective. It doesn't even occur to them that anyone can be hurt by what they have to say or do when they are being themselves, speaking their mind and voicing their opinions.

Then you have the other kind, the kind that give assholes a bad name. These bastards willfully set out to create trouble, destroy and hurt as many people as they possibly can in the process. Usually these bastards act in a sly, underhanded way, preferably cloaked in anonymity, because they are - Surprise! Surprise! - also huge cowards who do not wish to suffer the consequences of their words actions or convictions. This latter kind of bastards are usually motivated by revenge. They may have a lost an election of sorts or perceive themselves as not being appreciated enough for their charms, talents or work and now want to get back at the ones that they feel are the cause of their lack of success.

One of the bad kind of bastards has recently emerged, the Internet is a godsend for them. This bastard first appeared on Facebook I am told, but when Facebook banned him has moved the hateful slanderous vomiting to the blogosphere. The objective of this s-o-b, anonymous, loser is to bring discord into the gay community, smear the Second Pride Festival and some of it's directors.

I have now purged myself of this attention seeking good-for-nothing and will now continue enjoying Second Pride. May the wanker rot in his own vomit!

Trailer for Pride - #2 Summer Storm (2004)

German original title "Sommersturm"

Directed by Marco Kreuzpaintner, written by.Thomas Bahmann and Marco Kreuzpaintner. Starring Robert Stadlober (Tobi), Kostja Ullmann (Achim) and Jürgen Tonkel (Hansi)

You can read more about the movie here: Wikipedia: Summer Storm

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Romanum vs, Gor

I never visit the fighting sims in SecondLife. The only times I have been to Romanum or any of the Gor sims have been for shopping purposes of some sort. When I saw that there was a fight scheduled between the Gladiators of Romanum and warriors of the Scimitar clan of Gay Gor I knew I would have to watch it.

The arena was a beautiful build and it was interesting to look at all the hunky warriors and gladiators and their entourage. They were all in different degrees of nudity. Only two were completely naked, one was a  Roman senator and the other a Roman slave (I think), both lacked penises for some strange reason that I could not understand. However Marcellias suggestion that they had been castrated may have been correct.

I did not understand much of the fighting, but it was an interesting scene to do some people-watching at.
A Roman gladiator before his match
My new friend and long time "Bock in SecondLife"-reader
Marcellias was also at the fight

At the Gay Nation Set

The Gay Nation set with DJ Ginger, was fun although a bit rowdy. The rowdiness was caused by Butch congregating with a multitude of ex-lovers at this event. One could have guessed they had made an appointment but I believe it came around purely by circumstance. It was interesting to hear all the information they freely and spilled about Butch in a charming and good-natured way. It was obvious to all that they still had warm affections for him.
My new friend Marcellias, Butch, myself, Ziggy and Guyke
Showing off my pride
Sexy friend and co-blogger Jeff Ellsworth was busy blogging live  from
Second Pride as usual. I believe he has been working out, don't you agree?
Sweet Spanki showing off 
My friend and co.blogger the hunky Petr
Me attempting to be artsy by taking a picture of the venue from above
The lovable brats, Ziggy & Guyke

The Best Legs of the Day - SPF Day 1

Jared Palianta

First Visit at SPF-2013

Chatting with Mr. G.
Early this morning I went to check out the Second Pride Festival (SPF) sims. On my excursions I bumped into three of the directors from the board of Second Pride, Mr. G., the build director, Baz Ceawlin, the IT director, and Tylo Mabellon, the marketing director. All three of them were extremely tired from all the work leading up to the opening of the Pride festival,.but happy that it was now afoot and they only had a few last minute adjustments to see to.

Mr. G., looking as good as ever but claiming to be tired
I must say everything looked really smashing and I for one could not see what last things there could be to worry about.

Here you see me trying out one of the rides at the carnival.