Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Trailer for Pride - #5 Boys Don't Cry (1999)

Written and directed by Kimberly Peirce. Co-writer Andy Bienen. Starring Hilary Swank (Brandon/Teena) and Chloe Savigny (Lana)

Saggy Pants Ban

"Mayor Ernest Troiano Jr. thinks he's found a way to put one of this Jersey shore resort town's problems behind it. Wildwood is ready to ban overly saggy pants, no ifs, ands or butts.The city is set to pass a law Wednesday regulating how people dress on its boardwalk. It bans going shirtless, as well as walking on the boardwalk with bare feet.But the provision that has gained widespread attention is a prohibition on pants that sag more than 3 inches below the hips, exposing either skin or underwear. Troiano said Wildwood has been inundated with complaints from tourists upon whose money the popular beach town depends for its survival. "

Read the whole article at Huffington Post - Weird News Saggy Pants Ban Set To Pass In Wildwood, New Jersey

A Woman's World

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Rest & Recreation

With two major events occurring simultaneously a blogger need to take some time out once in a while for some necessary R & R. This is me just hanging with Guyke at his and Ziggy's beautiful home in Second Norway. Talking in voice about nothing in particular, is a great way to just let go.

When Ziggy came home we decided to move down to the dock and the leisurely conversation continued into the SecondLife night.

The Spurt Party

Tuesday noon-2 PM was the time for the Spurt Beach Party with DJ Dextrum "DJ Dex" Boucher.

It would hasve been a fun party if it had not been for too much gesturbating and pixelating. We even had a thrilling vistit by a griefer, who was handled by the ever-attentive security officer Tootsie Nootan (the woman n-e-v-e-r sleeps).
Spanki, Butch, Marcellias and I grooving
Lee with Weylin
Spanki shows his pride
Marcellias pretending not to notice Tor

SL10B The 20+ Exhibition

My dear friends Vampi Twine DeSantis-McMillan-McMillan (honorary), Sergeant at Arms sirhc DeSantis-McMillan and Gittrika Mint also have an exhibition at SL10B. They had an opening party yesterday which I unfortunately could not attend because - of course - the two major events in my SecondLife have to coincide this year.

So I went to have a look at it today instead, you can also visit it here; Your limousine to 20+ (SLurl). It was an interesting experience and a lot of fun. I was not aware that Gittrika is a sculpture in SecondLife, so there was yet another revelation about a friends talents.
After having seen the 20+ exhibit I walked around to get a look at some of the other exhibitions when I was suddenly hailed by some other friends, Carol Morpork (nee Pixelmaid,) and her husband Timothy Morpork. It was good seeing them both again and we had a pleasant chat, among other things I and Carol compared notes on Timothy's kissing-abilities (Excellent, we both agreed) since I had attacked him on one of the previous Kiss-A-Swede Days and stolen a lovely kiss.

The Best Legs of the Day - SPF Day 4 (Updated with a late entry)

Butch Diavolo & Spanki Moulliez
Tor (tor.rhiannyr)

Yes, I know this is cheating on my own rules, but Tor was showing off some special talents so how could I not include him?