Sunday, July 7, 2013

Second Pride Annual Membership Meeting, Today at 11AM SLT

Agenda for the annual membership meeting
1. Report to the members the results of the festival and fund raising activities over the past year.
2. Notification to the membership of the upcoming election dates and procedures.
3. Call for volunteers for the election committee.

The meeting will be held at the Second Pride Headquarters on the Second Pride Sim (SLurl)

When the Europeans Are Asleep...

...some of the best parties happen - without us!

This morning I woke up at around six thirty (6:30AM ) local time after a good nights sleep. I decided to log in to SecondLife to see what was happening at this ungodly hour for us Europeans.

Well let me tell you, everyone else was awake (meaning the Australian, New Zealanders, Asians and North and South Americans) and they were all partying without us. Can you imagine that? It seems the best parties happen when we are asleep, dammit.

My old friend Sarco sent me an invitation to his set at Club Echoes, so I went of course after getting Bock in working order (see previous post), and hauling Jared Palianta's sorry ass with me. (Well, it was the other way around actually because he got there before me. Dressing is not easy for me, even if I am not as bad as some others I could mention but choose not to... yet.)

Sarco's music was - as always - brilliant and we all had a great time. I and Sarco took the opportunity to get updated on each other's loves, lives and how we juggle them.

Here are some more pictures.
Cupric, Eli, Sarco, Jared, myself, Todd ,Tor & Prætor
Sarco, looking better than ever - he must be working out...
When the party ended I realized I need some more sleep, so I hit the sack again to sleep for another two hours.

Sing If You're Happy That Way

(via J.M.G.)

H.P. Mendoza sings an updated version of The Tom Robinson Band's "Glad To Be Gay", a classic from 1976.

A Horrible Start

After having troubles with rezzing my avatar yesterday I tried to take off everything I could and then set it to the male test avatar again. My work was interrupted by a surprise visit from a friend in first life. He had a bottle of wine and  some pizza.

I woke up early today and the picture shows you what I encountered when I logged in-world, "The boy next door"- male avatar with a couple of remnants from the pool party at Regi's Warehouse #69. Luckily I am getting to be an old hand on this and could soon get my regular self into place for a visit to one of Sarco Halderman's sets with my friend Jared Palianta.

Saturday, July 6, 2013


The Big Friday Splash @ Warehouse #69

When the party at The Shipwreck ended another Gay Archipelago party started at Warehouse #69. The great DJ Karl Karlchek was at the deck with The Yifu's (Regi & Ty) as hosts.
Guyke, Jared, ,myself, Butch and a hot stranger
I have only had the pleasure of hearing one of Karl's sets before and was expecting another awesome set. I was thrilled out of my socks.
Unfortunately the party was marred by the most horrendous gesturbation I have yet encountered outside a Bara Jonson performance of the Crashtest Dummies "mmmm mmmm mmmm"-song, but at those occasions the gesturbations cease after the song has ended, here they continued throughout the whole party.

It was impossible to see anything on the screen, so I reconciled myself with the facts that it wasn't possible to take pictures and that local chat was lost.
Jared in swim trunks, what a beautiful sight
I settled in to enjoy the great music and pleasant Instant Messages and used the opportunity to get better acquainted with handsome Jared Palianta. I also got involved with the upcoming funeral of a friends pet rat, which had passed away three years earlier and had been stored - carefully wrapped up - in the freezer until her boyfriend at long last lost patience and demanded a more suitable and permanent arrangement.

The best praise for Karl's music and the party was when my friend Butch said that he now felt human again, but what a pity it was that it happened at 1 AM.

I answered him, "Anytime you feel human is a good time you brilliant and sublime man!"

Opps! I missed this one of the threesome; not quite sure what is going on there...

Friday, July 5, 2013

With DJ Cupric at The Shipwreck

"The Gay Archipelago" (GA) is a huge collection of gay and lesbian owned sims that collaborate on a voluntary basis in various projects and joint ventures in SecondLife. Every year the GA hosts a huge Summer Festival and Pride celebration with loads of different events, parties and exhibitions spread out over many of the sims.

This years Summer Festival is going full force at the moment, so after having rested all afternoon I decided to drop in on one of the many parties.

As I landed at The Shipwreck the first thing that met my eyes was the sight of the talented and creative Regi Yifu's delicious and perky ass wiggling about in all its bareassed glory.
DJ "The Coop" (Cupric)
The party had just started so people were still dropping in all over the place, but DJ "The Coop" Cupric had already set the tempo which he meant to follow throughout the party.

The high tempo suited my mood perfectly. I accepted a dance invitation and started looking around at the assembled hotties. That's one of life's simplest pleasures that I thoroughly enjoy.

After a while I was joined at the party by my son Guyke and a well-rested and benign Butch.

When Butch was informed about where I was teleporting him he said stoically, "Oh, then I had better undress a little."
I (far left), Regi (center) and the always studly Draghan Marksman (second from the right)
Regi's luscious globes center stage
Uncle Vaan
GA lead Garth Raleigh-Underby and hubby Mitch Underby-Raleigh