Showing posts with label meeting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meeting. Show all posts

Thursday, February 21, 2019

SP Board Meeting 02/16/2019 - Minutes Posted

To assist my dear sexy friend Cay (cayson.triellis) and my adorable husband Tomais, the minutes from the board meeting they attended and found bewildering, confusing or downright objectionable are now posted at the Second Pride website (url) under "Documents". This (url) is the direct link to the aforementioned document for the lazy buggers.

The minutes contain a lot of great news, here I will only mention a few select ones.

  • Second Pride is applying to become an LGBT+ Gateway to SecondLife. If approved by Linden Lab the organization would save USD249 per month in tier and can reduce its costs - thereby being able to donate more to charitable LGBT+ causes in first life.
  • Changes in the mission statement of the Bylaws accepted by the board, to be voted on by the Membership.
  • Members are - as has been mentioned in a previous post - invited to contribute with their ideas on an updated logo for Second Pride, a theme for the Festival in June, and additional services they would like from Second Pride.
  • The 15th annual Second Pride Festival will take place between June 14th and 23rd, 2019.
  • New and improved donation kiosks are now available.
Read all about it and more at greater length in the minutes!

P.S. The Build Director also promised Cay to consider reintroducing floats parade in the festival.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Second Pride, Board Meeting, Today 2 PM-3.30 PM, SLT

This is an open meeting and all members are welcome.

The tentative agenda of today's meeting can be found on the Second Pride website here (url).

Among other things, there will be a presentation of the ongoing discussions with Linden Lab about becoming an LGBT Gateway for SecondLife, a proposal for a new logo and much more.

Welcome, all!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

SP Board Meeting 11/10/18, 12 PM SLT

The Chair Rez Vale-Starfall™ has called a board meeting for today at 12PM SLT. 

Proposed agenda:Call to Order
Move to adopt the minutes from the last meeting

Major topics to be discussed:

1- Dates and theme of Holiday Event
    a) Vendors?
    b) Theme ideas
    c) Dates
2- Event ideas for 2019?
    a) Easter?
    b) Valentines Day?
    c) 4th of July?
3- SP Festival
    a) Dates
    b) Theme (15th Anniversary)
    c) Vendor/Sponsor Pricing (Done)
    d) 1 sim or rent a 2nd?
4- Based on decisions
    a) All departments submit budget to Treasurer by     15NOV18
    b) Anyone not submitting a budget gets no money

Sunday, October 14, 2018

SP Board Meeting Today at 12 PM (Noon) SLT

As announced by the Chair Rez Vale-Starfall in the Second Pride Festival Group yesterday, there will be a meeting of the board today at 12 PM (noon) SLT.

"Tentative agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Motion to adopt previous Meeting Minutes
3. Agenda items for discussion (not all inclusive):
a) Halloween Event
b) Holiday Party dates need to be determined.
c) SP Festival dates need to be determined.
d) Additional events that we would like to discuss. (Valentines Day, Easter, Woodstock, etc.)
e) On all official Second Pride communications going out to the public should include the official Second Pride logo.
f) How the Marketing Directors chores have been divided between the Events and CR Directors
g) An update from all the departments on what they are working on, a brief summary of the present financial situation and ask for budgets to be sent to Bock
h) Tootsie would like to add Levi and KIT as Estate Managers
4. Motion to adjourn meeting.

This is an open working meeting. However, the members-at large-are not required to attend."

The meeting will be held at Second Pride HQ (SLurl).

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

SP Meeting on Proposed New Bylaws

The Second Pride board will have a meeting today Wednesday, September 5, 2018, at 6.30 PM SLT. The meeting is open to the membership as always.

Meeting agenda:
1) Call to order
2) Motion to adopt meeting minutes
3) Board Vote on proposed Bylaws
4) Motion to Adjourn

Teleport to Second Pride HQ (SLurl).

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

SP Annual Meeting 2018 - Minutes

The minutes from the Second Pride Annual Meeting, that was held on July 14th, 2018, have been published on the Second Pride website. You will find the minutes here.

For those of you who are too lazy to read them, let me give you a short summary.

1. Feedback from the festival has been overwhelmingly positive. There were no problems with griefing. Thanks were expressed to all involved for their contributions.

2. The Trevor Project will receive a donation of L$ 560,800 - approximately $2,243.00 USD. (Bloody awesome, my remark).

3. A proposal for a (much needed, my remark) complete overhaul of the bylaws was made. The Communications/IT Director was given the task to do a draft re-write and present it to the board.

4. Upcoming election 
a) these three members of the board have one year remaining,
- the Chairperson,
- the Secretary and
- the Communications/IT Director,
b) the following five positions are open for candidates
- Community Relations Director,
- Events Director,
- Build Director,
- Marketing Director and
- Security Director

5. Election Dates
a) Candidate Registration on the Second Pride website August 1st, 2018 through August 14th, 2018,
b) Question and Answers with Candidates on the Second Pride website August 15th, 2018 through August 28th, 2018,
c) Voting September 1st, 2018 through September 8th, 2018 and
d) Board Member Installation Meeting September 15th, 2018.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Second Pride Annual Meeting 2018

Following the conclusion of the Pride festival the board has announced that the annual meeting will be held on Saturday July 14th, 2018, at 12-2 PM SLT at the Second Pride HQ.

The proposed agenda (which is subject to changes)
1. Recap of the Second Pride Festival
- Tootsie Nootan – Security Director
- Lee McKay- IT Director
- Mikey – Secretary
- Nicky Windstorm – Interim Event Coordinator
- ReZ Vale-Starfall – Chairman

2. Financials, including the amount Second Pride will donate to The Trevor Project will be discussed

3. Annual election dates will be announced. (Seated board members are not up for reelection this year, but all open seats are.)

4. Open Forum If you are a member of the Second Pride group, then this meeting is for you. It's your time to ask questions and voice concerns.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Second Pride - General Assembly 2017

As announced on the Second Pride Facebook page there will be a Second Pride General Assembly meeting held on Sunday, July 30th, 2017, at 1PM SLT. 

The agenda is as follows:

1. Call to order
2. Second Pride Festival wrap up
3. Second Pride Festival projected donations and disbursement of funds
4. Election timeline
5. Q & A period if needed
6. Adjournment

All Second Pride members are welcome to attend. Hope to see you there!

Second Pride HQ (SLurl)

Second Pride Board of Directors

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Second Pride Elections 2015

This is an excerpt from Karl Kalchek's statement according to the minutes of the Second Pride Board meeting Saturday, August 1, 2015 at Noon SLT

"Following this year's bylaw changes which were voted upon and adopted on in open membership meetings - board positions are no longer one year terms but staggered 2 years terms. The purpose of this change was to ensure greater continuity of leadership between one year and the next.
In odd years such as 2015, the following two year positions are to be elected:
In even years, such as next year's 2016 Election, the following two year positions are to be elected:
Community Relations
Being that this is a transitional year, this year's election's will be for the one year remaining in these terms, (chair, community Relations, Build and IT) and next year's elections will be a full two year term for each of these positions. Next year's elections may also include the remaining term of any unfilled or vacated two year term (Secretary, Events, Marketing, Treasurer, Security). 2015 will be the last year that every position is elected in a single year.
Term Limits:
Pursuant to our bylaws, No Board member who has served for two consecutive years may run for a board position in the following election. Therefore Jak Calcutt, Karl Kalchek, and Marge Beaumont are ineligible to run in this year's election. Any other member of Second Pride - including past board members, may run for election. One issue that our bylaw changes did not address was a scenario where a current board member who has served one year might run for a two year term. Without further amendments, our bylaws would require that person to step down at the end of the year, and the remainder of that two your term would come up for election in next year's election. I would recommend that - this being a transitional year - we make an exception for anyone who has served a year and runs for a two year term but that is a bylaw change and will be up to the next board to decide. In the meantime, nothing prevents an eligible current board member to run for a two year term other than the possibility that the seat will have to be declared vacant after one year without a bylaw amendment.
Election Timetable and procedures:
• Candidate declarations will be accepted (...) through midnight SLT August 14th, per the by laws. 
• Only Members of the Second Pride Group and who are willing to adhere to the Second Pride by-laws if elected can be considered for candidacy. 
Candidate declaration must be accompanied by a "Candidate Statement” Declarations and statements must be submitted on the Second Pride website at No one will be able to declare candidacy for the 2016 Pride board after midnight on the August 14th.
• Members will be able to question the candidates for a period beginning August 16th and ending at midnight SLT August 28th.
• On August 28th candidates may answer any remaining member questions and make their final statements
• Voting will commence at 00:01AM SLT Sunday August 30th and remain open through Midnight SLT Wednesday September 2nd.
• You must have joined the Second Pride Festival Group by midnight July 31st to be able to vote for your candidates. (Membership is now closed until the Election has concluded and the results are announced).
• Between Midnight Wednesday September 2nd and No later than Midnight September 6th, election committee will certify the results of the election and announce to the results to membership.
• On September 12th at 11AM slt The new Board will be installed and have their 1st meeting as a Board of Second Pride. The existing Board will step down at that time and any transfers (property, passwords and group ownership) will take place at that time.
Discussion Forums:• These forums are designed to allow members to question candidates in a civil and respectful manner. Comments will be moderated by the election committee and any comments or lines of questioning which, in the sole discretion of the election committee, are found to be inappropriate will be removed.
Voting Procedures:We will use the same procedure that we used last year.
• The Second Pride sim will be closed to member access only during the voting period
• Members of the Second Pride Group will need to visit an election kiosk on the Second Pride sim.
• The election kiosk will provide access to an online voting ballot where members can vote for candidates of their choice.
Eligibility to vote and voter verification:• You MUST be a member of the Second Pride Festival in-world group before midnight July 31st to be eligible to vote. Joining of the Second Pride Group will be closed for the entire election period, between July 31st through September 6th.
• The election committee will be cross referencing the online votes received against the in-world membership list. Please be sure to click on your name at the bottom of the second pride website to view and/or update your online profile. Make sure your Second Life Avatar name is part of your profile so that your vote can be verified against the in-world membership.
• Protections have been put in place to block voter fraud through the use of Alt accounts. Votes from the same IP or Mac addresses, or votes that cannot be verified against any in world membership may be removed at the discretion of the election committee. If you are in a situation where multiple users in your household will be voting from the same device or internet connection, you must inform the election committee prior to voting.
Election Committee:• The election committee reviews and certifies votes. It arbitrates any disputes that may arise during voting. The Committee consists of two permanent members (The community Relations Director and the IT Director) and volunteers:
In 2014, Bylaw changes were adopted that specify which volunteers may serve on the committed to increase people's confidence that elections would be fair.
  1. The volunteer must have been a member of Second Pride for at least one year.
  2. The volunteer may not be a candidate for any position in the election nor may they have an alt who is a candidate
  3. The volunteer or the volunteer's alts may not have a partner or business partner who is a candidate in the election
  4. The volunteer must support the Mission, Objectives and Goals of Second Pride as articulated in the bylaws,
  5. The volunteer must make a statement attesting to the criterion above, which will be posted to membership.
Any volunteer meeting the criteria above will be seated. A volunteer may be removed at the discretion of the permanent members of the committee, if a volunteer is found to not meet the criteria above. If a volunteer committee member is removed under this provision, the reasons will posted to the membership and the volunteer will be given an opportunity to respond.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Second Pride, Annual Meeting - Saturday August 1 @ 12 PM SLT

From a group notice in the Second Pride Festival group.
Please be informed the Board of Directors of Second Pride will hold their "Annual General Meeting (AGM)" in the Second Pride Headquarters Conference Hall (SLurl) on Saturday August 1, 2015, 12:00 PM SLT.

The proposed agenda for the meeting is as follows

1. Call To Order
2. Department Reports
    - Chair
    - Build
    - Events
    - Community Relations
    - Security
    - Treasurer Report
    - IT
3. Elections Procedures
4. Adjourn

Monday, July 20, 2015

Reminder: SP Board Meeting, Today 6:30 PM

The Board of Directors of Second Pride has a meeting today at the Second Pride Headquarters Conference Hall (SLurl) at 6.30 PM SLT

The proposed agenda of the meeting is as follows:
  1. Call To Order: 
  2. Set the date for the Annual General Meeting
  3. Motion to Adjourn

Saturday, June 13, 2015

SP Meeting Today@2:30 PM

General Meeting in the Second Pride Headquarters Conference Hall (SLurl) today Saturday June 13, 2015, at 2.30 PM SLT

1. Call to order

2. Bylaw changes
Ratification of bylaw changes posted on the website and passed on May 17, 2015

3. Board vacancies
Board vote to fill the vacant Secretary seat

4. Motion to adjourn

And following shortly after this meeting we have

Friday June 19th - Sunday June 28th

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Saturday, May 16, 2015

SP General Meeting - Sunday May 17, 2015

This is from a group notice in The Second Pride Festival group

The Board of Directors of Second Pride have called a General Meeting to be held in the Second Pride Headquarters Conference Hall (SLurl) on Sunday May 17, 2015, at 1.30 PM SLT.

The agenda for the meeting:
1. Call to order

2. Department reports
    - Chair
    - Build
    - Events
    - Community Relations
    - Security
    - Treasurer
    - IT

3. Board vacancies - Repeat call for elections for
    - Secretary/Co-Chair
    - IT (Joomla experience)
    - Marketing

4. Information on Bylaws Amendments and Board Policy

5. Adjournment

Anytime I see the words "bylaw amendments" on an agenda I know there will be an interesting meeting, and in combination with "board policy" this should be downright thrilling! 

I hope to see you there!

Friday, March 27, 2015

SP Board Meeting Saturday at 10 AM

The board of Second Pride will have a general meeting in the Second Pride HQ Conference Hall (SLurl) on Saturday March 28, 2015, at 10:00 AM SLT

The agenda of the meeting
1. Call To Order
2. Department Reports
    a) Chair/IT
    b) Build
    c) Events
    d) Community Relations
    e) Security
    f) Treasurer
3. Board Vacancies
    a) Security
    b) Call for interest for
         I    Marketing
         II   Secretary/Co-Chair
         III  IT
4. Adjourn

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Second Pride Updates

I have been remiss in my self-imposed obligation to inform you, my dear readers, about what's going on in Second Pride.

In my own defense I would like to point out that due to timezone restrictions I have not been able to attend any of the meetings lately and that the Second Pride website has been down.

The website is now partly up and running again and I have the pleasure of informing you of two things.

Call for Secretary/Co-Chair
There has been a call for candidates for the position of Secretary/Co-Chair and two candidates have put their names forward.
Carson Darkstone
Andre Fyre

Please visit the Co-Chair Candidate Discussion Forum to see and join in the discussion.

General Meeting, Saturday January 24, 2015, at 10 AM SLT
The proposed agenda for this meeting is
1: Call To Order:
2: Department Reports:
    A: Chair
    B: Build:
    C: Events:
    D: Community Relations
    E: Security
    F: Treasurer Report
    G: IT
3: New Business
    A: Set Official Dates for Pride
4: Old Business
5: Board Vacancies
    A: Co-Chair Secretary Election
    B: Call for Elections for IT & Marketing
6: Motion to Adjourn

That sounds like an interesting meeting, doesn't it? And it's at a doable time for me too, so hopefully I will see ya'll there!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Reminder: SP Meeting Today - CANCELLED!

Read my post SP Meeting Sunday October 26, 2014, 2PM for the agenda and SLurl.

Second Pride General Meeting planned for the Second Pride Headquarters Conference Hall. Schedule for Sunday October 26th has been cancelled due to an oversight. A new date will be set shortly.

Ezziedq Mirabella

Sunday, October 19, 2014

SP Meeting, Sunday October 26, 2014, 2PM

Second Pride will have a General Meeting at the Second Pride Headquarters Conference Hall (SLurl) next Sunday.

The proposed agenda for the General Meeting:
1. Call To Order:
2. Department Reports
- Chair
- Build
- Events
- Community Relations
- Security
- Treasurer Report
3. New Business
4. Old Business
5. Adjourn

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Second Pride Meeting - October 2, 2014

Second Pride will have a General Meeting at the Second Pride Headquarters Conference Hall (SLurl) tomorrow Thursday October 2, 2014, at 7 PM SLT.

As posted on the Second Pride website the proposed agenda for the General Meeting will be
1. Call To Order:
2. Department Reports:
   - Chair
   - Build
   - Events
   - Community Relations
   - Security
   - Treasurer Report
   - IT
3. New Business
   - Website Transfer
4. Board Vacancies
5. Date for Next Meeting
6. Adjourn

Monday, September 29, 2014

Ezzie - New Chairperson of Second Pride

Ezzie Mirabella
(archive photo)
At the Second Pride board meeting held last Tuesday the board unanimously voted Ezziedq "Ezzie" Mirabella to be the new chair of Second Pride.

After the vote Ezzie Mirabella thanked the board with the following words:
"I want to thank my fellow board member who I all consider friends for this appointment. I aim to do the best job possible as Chair and look forward to an exciting time ahead of us before we celebrate Pride in June 2015. I am truly humbled by this appointment and I ask those members present to step forward and work on a committee during the next year your help would be appreciated along with your valuable input."

For information on other business at the meeting please see Second Pride: Minutes of the Second Pride Board Meeting September 23, 2014.

Although I have previously maintained that no vote should be needed for this move (The SP Election 2014: Some Reflections), I have no objections on how this matter was settled by the board, especially since the outcome was the same.