Sunday, July 28, 2013

Quote of the Day - Desmond Tutu

'South Africa's Nobel peace laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu says he will never worship a "homophobic God" and will rather go to hell. The retired archbishop was speaking at the launch of a UN-backed campaign in South Africa to promote gay rights. Archbishop Tutu said the campaign against homophobia was similar to the campaign waged against racism in South Africa. "I am as passionate about this campaign as I ever was about apartheid. For me, it is at the same level," he added.'

This news comes to us via Joe.My.God. (a.k.a. J.M.G.), one of my favorite news sources, who picked it up at the BBC News.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Today's the Day

Look in your Inventories for the invitation named "Invitation from Bock". Otherwise here is all the information you need.

Everyone is welcome to this open house, except the select few (5 avatars) that already know they are not wanted.anywhere close to me.

WHY: Housewarming Party of my new palatial mansion

WHEN: Saturday July 27, 2013, at 12 PM - 4 PM SLT

WHERE: The Southern Charm sim in SecondLife (SLurl)

After you have arrived at the Welcome area please take a few moments to rez. There is ample seating provided for your convenience. Once you have rezzed, walk across the water in front of you on the bridge that has been provided and then turn right and walk up the hill to the house, which is located in the southeast corner of the sim.

WHO: Family and friends and friends of friends. The more the merrier!

  1. Music will be provided by DJ sirch ((12 PM - 2 PM)) and by DJ Jared (2 PM - 4 PM)
  2. Summer leisure wear is recommended and don't forget to bring your swimsuits as I have a pool here. (I am expecting to see a lot of skin!)
  3. B.Y.O.W. but alcoholic beverages will be served.

WARNING: Gifts are highly discouraged. Bearer of gifts should expect to be kicked off the sim and possibly banned from it no less than six months!

Friday, July 26, 2013

"Catch 22", Continued (Updated)

The previous post concerning this was posted here: Bock in SecondLife: "Catch 22", you may wish to read it before reading this post.

I have today posted a follow up on my earlier questions to Dextrum Boucher, candidate for chairperson in the election for the Second Pride board of 2o14

"Thank you for your response, Dex, most of it met with my approval. There is however one thing I would like you to address again and it concerns your attendance record to the board meetings.
The 2013 board held 14 board meetings
  1. 08/19/12
  2. 09/12/12
  3. 10/04/12
  4. 11/11/12
  5. 91/06/13
  6. 01/2013
  7. 02/03/13
  8. 02/17/13
  9. 03/03/13
  10. 03/17/13
  11. 04/07/13
  12. 06/29/13 (met to adjourn)
  13. 97/07/13
  14. 07/14/13
After doing the tedious and boring work of going through the minutes posted online on this site ( I get the following results on attendance records for the board members of the 2013 board the first numbers are when I count 13 meetings (excluding the one where the board only met o adjourn) and the second one with the numbers in parenthesis is when I count all 14 meetings.

  1. Kharissa Indigo - 100% (100%),
  2. Tootsie Nootan - 92% (93%),
  3. Doc Spad - 92% (86%),
  4. Baz Ceawlin - 77% (79%)
  5. Mr G. 77% (79%).
  6. Kyle Beckett 77% (71%),
  7. SquirtN Wonder 77% (71%),
  8. Tylo Mabelion - 69% (63%) and finally
  9. Dextrum Boucher - 54% (57%).
In your response to me you say "I missed fewer meetings than many others on the board. This can been seen be a review of the minutes."
As you see from the results above of the review of the minutes I did it would seem that your statement is not entirely consistent with the results of my investigation.
The meetings you did not attend were the ones in January, February, March and April and the meeting on July 14, 2013. This validates my previous statement that  " I also noticed, as a frequent visitor to the open board meetings, that you were absent from the board meetings for a good while."
Would you wish to comment and explain my findings?
Yours sincerely
Bock McMillan"
UPDATE 7/27/2013, 04:35 AM SLT 
DEXTRUM BOUCHER says: July 26, 2013 at 7:14 PM

As stated above, I did miss a few meetings over the course of the year. Whenever there was an important vote, however I was involved. This is the most important think on my record for this year.

I did face a couple of illnesses and a busy schedule at school during part of the year as well. Both of these situations have been alleviated.

During my absences, I did try to appoint a person to serve in my absence, per the bylaws. I was not able to find anyone interested at the time.

When I am chair, I see no blocks to my perfect attendance at the meetings, plus I will have the strong incentive that my presence will be needed to lead them.

I look forward to working with the community and its members in the coming year, and thank you for your thoughtful questions.

BOCK MCMILLAN says: July 26, 2013 at 11:02 PM

Thank you for your answers, Dex., some may have perceived them as attacks but I am grateful that you addressed them in the manner they were intended.

Although I believe that the officials I elect for the Second Pride board must make time for their obligation to serve the membership I also concede and realize that first life issues can sometimes call for the full attention of the officials I elect and that they can be subject to illness.

I will trust your assurance that you do not at the present time see any obstacles from fulfilling the important mission as chairman of the board and a leader of the board as a whole.

Best of luck,
DEXTRUM BOUCHER says: July 27, 2013 at 2:04 AM

Thank you for your questions:)

The Swedish Wiener Incident

Lars Ohly, is the former party chairman of the Swedish Left Party (Vänsterpartiet), a socialist and feminist political party in Sweden. He is also a fan and supporter of  the English Premier League football (soccer for you Yanks) club Liverpool FC and a user of Instagram.

Two days ago Ohly proudly put up a picture on Instagram of the new Liverpool tattoo on the calf, of his left leg without thoroughly checking the picture he had taken first. As it turned out the picture happened to show more than he intended. Parts of his... ehmmmm... "junk" was showing in the picture.
The censored version
The picture provoked instant reactions from some of his followers.

Carl Bildt, the Swedish Foreign Minister congratulated him on Twitter for the fact that he had "finally made his breakthrough in social media after trying so many years".

Håkan Juholt, former party chairman of The Swedish Social Democratic Party, sent a text message to Ohly informing him that he - after seeing the picture - had changed his barbeque plans "from wieners to chicken".

Comedian Al Pitcher wrote: ”I think Lars Ohly showed loads of balls to admit he supports Liverpool”.

Comedian Robin Paulsson wrote: "The Left gained 7 centimetres in the latest opinion polls thanks to Lars Ohly"

You want the uncensored picture I hear you crying, my dear readers. I think I may have spoilt you too much, but I cannot be so cruel as to deny you this small favor.
The uncensored version
Ohly has since removed the picture, but seems to take all the attention he has gotten with lots of humor noting that he has gained many new followers and that his wife has told him that she will have to check all the pictures he uploads in the future.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

SCOOP: Spanki In Clothes

I am aware that I will be accused of photoshopping when I choose to publish this extremely rare expose showing hottie Spanki Moulliez actually wearing clothes.

Let me assure you, I do not have Photoshop installed and I was as surprised as ya'll are by this sight that met me at Butch Diavolo's set at Q-Lounge today.

Throwing My Pink Money Around

Pink money - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"Pink money describes the purchasing power of the gay community, often especially with respect to political donations. With the rise of the gay rights movement, pink money has gone from being a fringe or marginalized market to a thriving industry in many parts of the Western world such as the United States and United Kingdom. Many businesses now specifically cater to gay customers, including nightclubs, shops, restaurants, and even taxicabs; the demand for these services stems from commonly perceived discrimination by traditional businesses. Worldwide in 1998, pink money was valued at £350 billion ($560 billion) across a variety of sectors — especially entertainment and consumer goods. Purchasing power in 2012 in the United States is expected to increase to $790 billion.
The economic power of pink money has been seen as a positive force for the gay community, creating a kind of "financial self-identification" which helps gay and lesbian individuals feel like part of a community which values them. Indeed, upwards of 90% of gay people support businesses which target pink money, while actively shunning "anti-gay" companies. However, criticism has been leveled at businesses which target pink money from gay groups, arguing that this segregates the gay and lesbian community from society, and holds back gay rights.
It's been considered more often than not a market exclusive for USA, UK and some places in Europe, but its extension covers a large amount of Latin America and part of Asia, making its actual earns larger by year and giving marketing options some impulse and variety."

Well, whatever the pro's and con's may be, I am not going to use my gay money on products or services owned, operated or in any way associated with Russia or Russian citizens or companies until that country's government abandons it's present official homophobic stance and continues to allow and support attacks and assaults on my Russian LGBT brothers and sisters and continues to deny them their basic human rights.

It's my money and I use it as I like, I suggest you do the same.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

One Direction - Best Song Ever


12.4 million hits during the first 24 hours on YouTube cannot be wrong... or can it? The laird is not impressed!