Friday, December 20, 2013

Mark the Day

This was indeed a day to remember!

Oh, a federal judge in Utah also struck down the state’s ban on same-sex marriage as unconstitutional.

District Court Judge Robert J. Shelby in his decision said: "Few questions are as politically charged in the current climate. This observation isespecially true where, as here, the state electorate has taken democratic action to participate in a popular referendum on this issue. It is only under exceptional circumstances that a court interferes with such action. But the legal issues presented in this lawsuit do not depend onwhether Utah’s laws were the result of its legislature or a referendum, or whether the laws passed by the widest or smallest of margins. The question presented here depends instead on the Constitution itself, and on the interpretation of that document contained in binding precedent from the Supreme Court and the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Applying the law as it is required to do, the court holds that Utah’s prohibition on same-sex marriage conflicts with the United States Constitution’s guarantees of equal protection and due process under the law. The State’s current laws deny its gay and lesbian citizens their fundamental right to marry and, in so doing, demean the dignity of these same-sex couples for norational reason. Accordingly, the court finds that these laws are unconstitutional."

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Unexpected Visitors

While my brother Dej was away from his keyboard yesterday - eating, sleeping or hooking up with some able bodied man on Grindr - as usual leaving his avatar parked on his western porch, he had two unexpected visitors.

The visitors were two draft horses of tall stature, heavy boned and a muscular build, with broad, short backs and powerful hindquarters that showed they were extremely well equipped for pulling.
I am curiously  checking what Internet porn Dej's avatar is looking at
Tom, who has loads of animal avatars in his Inventory, had shown Guyke and me where to buy a puppy avatar and two horse avatars, one a draft horse and the other one an Arabian thoroughbred. As the hour was late European time Guyke left us and Tom and I returned to Southern Charm alone to unpack my loot.

I had promised Guyke that we would unpack the horse avatars together, but in my excitement I couldn't stop myself after having customised my puppy, with Tom's help, so feeling a little ashamed I went ahead with the drafter but saved the thoroughbred for unpacking together with Guyke. (I hope you can forgive me, Guykechen!)

When we were all done I wanted to show off my new avatar to Dej. We went over to the northwest corner to where Dej was sitting, but as I have already told you he was alas AFK. Instead I took a few pictures to show him later on.

Tom and I moved on to the barn to meet and greet with my bulldog Bilbo, who was quite pleased with some company as I have neglected him a bit lately. The three of us had a nice time and chatted away awhile until we all felt that we needed to get some sleep.


Lingonberries are as common in the food life of a Swede as ketchup is to an American. We use the delicious berries with almost everything edible, with the possible exception of soups and pickled herring (and I am certain that there are some who do that too).

There are two basic ways (and a million varieties) to prepare lingonberries for your meals, either as Crude Stirred Lingonberries or as Lingonberry Jam, where the first is mostly preferred by adults and the latter by children of all ages (some of them are also referred to as "childish adults").

I will share both the standard recipes with you.
Crude Stirred Lingonberries (Which are called "rårörda lingon" in Swedish).
1.0 [any weight or volume quantity you prefer] fresh or freshly frozen lingonberries
0.0-0.5 [same weight or volume unit you used above] granulated white (or brown) sugar

Preparation (approximately 10 minutes)
Clean the berries in water (the debris flows). Pour the berries in a sieve. Drain.

Mix with sugar little by little to moderate sweetness according to your taste. Stir gently until the sugar dissolves and the berries become mushy but still remain whole. Alternatively serve without sugar.

Pour into sterilized jar(s) with tight fitting lid(s).

1. Crude Stirred Lingonberries have a shelf life of no longer than two months. Therefore, do smaller amounts at a time and freeze the rest of the lingonberries for future preparation.
2. Go easy on the sugar, I personally prefer a bit of the sour tang that you get with less sugar.

Lingonberry Jam (which is called "lingonsylt" in Swedish)
1.0 [any weight or volume quantity you prefer] fresh or freshly frozen lingonberries
0.1 [same weight or volume unit you used above] water
0.3-0.5 [same weight or volume unit you used above] granulated white sugar

Stabiliser: Pectin (powder)

Preparation (approximately 40 minutes)
Clean the berries in water (the debris flows). Pour off the water.

Place the berries in a pot and add water. Heat slowly on medium-low heat. Let simmer for 15 minutes. Skim off.

Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the sugar a little at a time. Stir occasionally until sugar has dissolved. Let the jam again simmer for 10 minutes on low heat.

For firmer jam: Add pectin according to directions on package.

Remove from the heat and let stand a few minutes. Skim off well and pour over into sterilized jar(s). Screw the lid on while the jam is still hot and turn the jar(s) upside down. Then attach the lids tightly and nicely.

Homemade preparations of lingonberries in cute glass jars can be used an appreciated gift to the hosts when you are invited to a Swedish home. You can of course be petit bourgeois also and bring a bottle of wine or a small bouquet of flowers instead... 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Quote of the Day (2013-12-17)

The quote of the day comes from my brother Dej, who has been spamming me with it in IM and offline messages since yesterday.
Kathy Bates as Dolores Claiborne
Dolores Claiborne is a novel by Stephen King. A film based on the novel was directed by Taylor Hackford in 1995, starring  Kathy Bates (Dolores Claiborne) and Judy Parfitt (Vera Donovan).
Judy Parfitt as Vera Donovan
"Sometimes being a bitch is the only thing a woman has to hold on to." the character Vera tells DoloresWikipedia: Dolores Claiborne (film)

The Results of The Avi Choice Award 2013

From my vantage point the results below are the most interesting, but you may wish to view at the complete list at !Avi Choice 2013 Final Results!.

My congratulations go to all the winners but especially to
1. Ty Tenk and Truck Meredith for winning in Favorite Sim Build (to explore through) with their beautiful Calas Galadhon Park Sims,
2. Thorn Andel and Esme Capello for winning in Favorite SL Radio Station with SL Live Radio,
3. Vista Barnes of Vista Animations for winning in Favorite Static Pose Creator, Favorite Male AO Creator and Favorite Female AO Creator.
4. Marcus Adkins of Humanoid for winning in Favorite Dance Animations and, last but not least,
5. Alex Bader of Studio Skye for winning in Favorite Garden and Landscape Store and Favorite Texture Store.

To my friend and mentor in blogging Eddi Haskell of Eddi Haskell's Second Life I would like to say, "Way to go buddy!", for reaching fifth place in the tough category of Favorite SL Blog/Blogger and "Better luck next time!". I will vote on you again next time, thats a promise!

Monday, December 16, 2013

How to Fight - Carlos Andrés Gómez

Carlos Andrés Gómez is an award-winning poet, actor, speaker, and writer from New York City. He is the author of the coming-of-age memoir Man Up: Reimagining Modern Manhood. Nominated for the Pushcart Prize and named Artist of the Year at the 2009 Promoting Outstanding Writers Awards, he costarred in Spike Lee’s #1 movie Inside Man with Denzel Washington, Jodie Foster, and Clive Owen. He appeared in the sixth season of HBO’s Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry and, most recently, in the third season of TV One’s Verses and Flow. He has headlined festivals all over the world, including South Africa, Ireland, Spain, Canada, the U.K., and as Guest of Honor at the Berlin International Literature Festival in Germany.