Saturday, January 7, 2017

[Secret Message - Only Readable By A Chosen Few]

O.M.F.G. I cannot believe it but my brother JJ found me A-N-O-T-H-E-R beautiful hair that suits me splendidly. Can you believe it? When it rains it really pours. I think that even the catty Anonymous person is going to adore it.

Over and out and talk amongst yourselves. I a now going to cover the secret part of this post with something eye-catching that "the others" can look at.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Picture of the Day - 499

"Looking" by Tomais Ashdene

If you wish to see more of Tomais' photography, please visit his Flickr photostream by clicking the name under the picture.

Full disclosure: Tomais Ashdene  is my husband.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

SCOOP: Bock Has A New Hair

"Finally!", Bock's loving and beloved husband, shouted today.

After helping in the search for a new hair for Bock the last several years poor Tomais had all but given up on Bock ever being able to update. Tomais had even gone so far as to caustically call his husband "Bockosaurus" for his failures in ever finding anything suitable.

Well today the search came to an end at last, Bock's brother JJ had found a hair that he thought might suit. And - loandbehold - the Bockosaurus enthusiastically approved!

Updated with a better picture by my brother JJ Goodman.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Google Celebrates Lairds First Life Birthday

My dear friends over at Google surprised me with a cute doodle today on my first life birthday. When I scroll over it it says "Happy Birthday, Bock!"

Thank you Google, that was very sweet of you!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

At Regi & Ty's 5th Bashaversary

JJ Goodman, the photographer and my brother.
I and my brother JJ
My love Tomais
My buddy Petrolicious
My buddy Cayson

Happy New Year 2017

I wish all my readers a very happy new year! 

May all our altruistic hopes for a better, safer and more accepting world come true, despite worrying signs of growing bigotry, confrontation and discord.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Picture of the Day - 498

New Year come's!
"New Year comes" by Koii Hallison

If you wish to see more of Koii's photography, please visit his Flickr photostream by clicking the name under the picture.