Friday, May 19, 2017

Assange: "I Do Not Forgive Or Forget"

The today reports:
"Swedish prosecutors have dropped their preliminary investigation into an allegation of rape against the WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, bringing an end to a seven-year legal standoff.
The decision was taken after prosecutors concluded that “at this point, all possibilities to conduct the investigation are exhausted”, Sweden’s director of public prosecutions, Marianne Ny, said on Friday.
“In order to proceed with the case, Julian Assange would have to be formally notified of the criminal suspicions against him. We cannot expect to receive assistance from Ecuador regarding this. Therefore the investigation is discontinued.
“If he, at a later date, makes himself available, I will be able to decide to resume the investigation immediately.”
Julian Assange's response to the news was to tweet a happy picture of himself and then later another tweet saying: "Detained for 7 years without charge while my children grew up and my name was slandered. I do not forgive or forget.”

Well, all I can say I is, that neither will I forgive or forget that Julian Assange is a suspected rapist who evaded the judicial process for seven years by holing up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. He has only himself to blame for the drawn out process of this case.

It is too much to hope for that he will set foot in Sweden before 2020 so that he can be brought to court to answer the serious allegations against him. 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Thanks to Kahvy Smith for sharing this video on Facebook.

Intelligent Design & The Prostate Gland

Today I had plans to talk to you about how the mere existence of the prostate gland according to Creationism/Intelligent Design (the belief that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation, as in the biblical account, rather than by natural processes such as evolution), logically must lead to the conclusion that 
a) God is a man, 
b) God is gay and 
c) God is a bottom.

...but then I thought about it a bit more, and decided that I didn't have the energy to do that today. Besides, as I myself don't believe in a god, it seemed like a wholly superfluous exercise. 

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Grand Opening of The Northmead Gallery

The Bock McMillan Art Foundation 
(a part of the BMcM Corporation) 
and the artists 
JJ Goodman 
Tomais Ashdene

Welcome you all to the opening of the new erotic gallery at Southern Charm today

From the invitation on Facebook:

"An intrepid trio of SecondLife photographers invites you to an opening at their very private space, the Northmead Gallery at Southern Charm for a showing of gay male erotic art. (or as Kahvy puts it, "dicks, dicks, dicks!") (or as Bock puts it, "a celebration of the male form) (or as JJ puts it, "our brush of love!") (or as Wayne calls it, "Bowchickie wow wow!) (or as RickJ said, "Meow.")

The party starts at 1:00 PM SLT, and DJ Kahvy will be pumping (get it? Pumping!) out some hot dance tunes.

This is just for the fun of it since we had a great time doing al these photos, and we've a cool space to show our art in the rundown city block that makes up the Gallery. Feel free to wander and enjoy some of special places we've built into the venue.

Hope to see you there!

Disclaimer: male/male nudity and sexual acts are portrayed in the photos. No small animals were harmed in the making of these photographs. Enter at your own risk."

Landmark to The Northmead Gallery!

Friday, May 5, 2017

Coded Message for Kahvy


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Dates Decided for Second Pride 2017

The Board of Directors of Second Pride had a General Assembly Meeting in the Second Pride Headquarters Conference Hall on Sunday, April 30, 2017, at 01:30PM SLT.

At the meeting the dates for this years festival were decided. Below are the festival dates as well as release dates for sponsor, vendor, and DJ information.

Festival dates Friday June 23 - Sunday July 2, 2017!

Sponsor Packages available from Monday May 8*
Vendor Packages available from Monday May 15*
Performer Applications from Friday May 26 - June 18th

*) Please note, there is likely to be a shortage of available space at this years festival as it is going to be held on only one sim. You had better be on your toes and leaning forward to grab a place!

Please contact LLedge Eames or Viktor Sandman if you need any further information or have any questions.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Organize for Solidarity & Support

I believe in individuals standing up for their rights, but I also believe in the need for individuals to organize themselves as they as a collective always are stronger than any one individual ever can be and in a collective they can share support with each other.

Today is the International Worker's Day in most parts of the civilized world when we celebrate our right and ability to organize, unionize and show solidarity in expected and unexpected ways.

This is Billy Bragg singing his song "There is Power in a Union" to scenes from the movie "Pride" (2014) by director Matthew Warchus with screenplay by Stephen Beresford.