Sunday, July 29, 2018

Going For Shock Value

Imagine, the most fashion-forward person in your life, yup that's I, doing something of a never-heard-of-before magnitude to disturb your peace of mind and complacency.
Here you see the Much Honored Bock McMillan in the "Hiking Sandals" from Lenox. (Whoever heard of hiking sandals before?) Yes, I am  (for once) wearing socks with sandals.

Well, I look good and my legs look totes adorbs and lickable, wouldn't you agree?

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Another Hero

"But here’s an unpopular opinion: Months ago, after all of the Cambridge Analytica scandal had broken, and we already knew about their role in the election and fake news, Mark Zuckerberg told us all that he planned on significantly increasing Facebook’s investment in security, and would add thousands of new employees to help that cause.
This is what he told the US Congress in April:
“I’ve directed our teams to invest so much insecurity — on top of the other investments we’re making — that it will significantly impact our profitability going forward.”
And then he added, for extra oomph.
“But I want to be clear about what our priority is: protecting our community is more important than maximizing our profits.”
Many didn’t believe him. Many tweeted about all the times that he’s talked the talk, but not walked the walk. But yesterday, when Facebook faced the music and took $120 billion on the chin, the fact that Zuckerberg finally walked the walk was conveniently absent from the conversation.
Here is the unpopular reality:
Mark Zuckerberg told us all he would put our safety, and fixing the problems of Facebook ahead of profits. He did that. Wall Street may not have liked it, but there’s no way around it: the man held true to his word." (Alex Whitcomb, Read the full article here.)

Thursday, July 26, 2018


H/T Tomais Ashdene

Tropical Heatwave

I would like to let you all know that I am still alive, despite the extreme weather conditions, 28-32° C (82-90° F) for Northern Europe. Mind you, I am not complaining!

However, it's just a bit hot, has been going on for a long time and will most likely continue a while longer. So, I guess - even if I am most certainly not complaining - I am trying to let you know I am not totally comfortable, i.e. suffering a bit.
Cold showers and a big fan are keeping me alive, although just barely. 

Sunday, July 22, 2018

7/22 Remember the Victims

On this day in 2011, a right-wing extremist and xenophobe went on a rampage and killing spree in Norway, first killing 8 people in Oslo City center and later killing 69 more, mostly children, on the island of Utøya.

Remember the victims!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Clean-Up In Aisle 7

Tomais has gotten an automated cleaning crew up on his platform. We haven't really gotten it to recognize what is trash and what isn't...

P.S. I just realized I misspelled aisle. *sigh*

LL Lowers Land Prices For Some and Reduces Fees

Linden Lab has announced it will, effective immediately, lower land prices for those who do not already have lower rates, either because they have grandfathered rates or they "bought down" their rates last year.
Land Prices will be reduced by 15% and fees by 41%.

TERMS & CONDITIONS: Private Estate price reductions do not apply to Skilled Gaming Regions. While new Openspace Regions are no longer available for purchase, existing Openspace Region landowners will receive the newly-reduced monthly pricing. In addition, these changes will not impact any grandfathered or “bought down” land prices since those are still below the newly-reduced rates. Lastly, Education/Nonprofit (EDU/NP) discounted full islands have also been re-priced to maintain their 50% discount off the regularly priced full islands. The new price of $124.50 will go into effect at the start of that island's next invoiced billing term.