Saturday, April 19, 2014

A SLebrity Drops By

Yesterday evening, while I was taking selfies on how my eyes sink into my head when I am using poses, a male avatar dropped in almost right on top of me. Even without his name tag I would've recognized him at once, with all the brouhaha that has been going on about him the last couple of months in SecondLife.

"So, you motherfucking cocksucker, you finally deigned to pay me a visit after spending months on charming the asses off of Frau Jo Yardley and Miss Strawberry Singh and all those other important women in-world, huh? Now the time has come to charm the asses of a sweet and innocent gay man like me?", I said to him.

"Hahaha Bock, you fuckmented shitjizzle you! You know I love you and besides the ladies were nice and had important information to share, I know everything you have to say already because you have told me a thousand times the last seven years, even long before I accepted this job at Linden Lab."

"Well Ebbe, you could at least have told me you knew my Philip back then, I would only have asked to be introduced as one of his many loving residents."

"Don't be silly, Bock, you know exactly what would have happened if I had told you that or if I had introduced you to him. You would have gone all weak in the knees, start drooling and make his socks all wet while you lay drooling at his feet. Now come along, show me this beautiful sim of yours. I understand you have had it for a while."

As I took my old buddy on the long tour of Southern Charm and the buildings, we talked about everything that had happened to us since last we met and I told him the shortest version of my SecondLife.

While we were preparing to say good bye after an hour and a half, I remembered the most important thing and asked my friend for a picture for the blog. Being Ebbe he kindly acquiesced.
The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm etc. etc., and Ebbe Linden, CEO of Linden Lab
This post is also a reply to Elblin's challenge to me about using the words "fuckmented shitjizzle" in a sentence.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Picture of the Day - 56

Petit Gâteau
"Petit Gâteau" Photography by Eve Kazan

If you wish to see more of Eve's photography, please visit her Flickr photostream here.

Elblin's Challenge

Elblin Randtalirantaralundar to me on Facebook My challenge to you then Mister Bock is to use "fuckmented shitjizzle" in a sentence soon!

I have accepted Elblin's challenge and am thinking about it...

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Picture of the Day - 55

"Daydreamin" Photography by Lana Quicksand

If you wish to see more of Lana's pictures, please visit her Flickr photostream here.

SL Live Radio: Feed A Smile

From a press release by Esme Capelo of SL Live Radio:
"We have a party on Friday 18th April, 2 - 4 PM SLT, to launch our support of Feed A Smile and would like to raise at least L$100,000. It would be great if you could help us to reach or even exceed this target, either by coming to the party (love to see you) and paying the kiosk directly or by paying slliveradio resident the amount you want to give. 

We will publish a list of supporters after the event and anyone who gives L$10,000 or more will get a free radio advert (if you have a business) for a month (to be broadcast randomly in regular rotation throughout the day for one month).

If you can't donate at this time, just come and party."

Another Uncommon Cold

So I am off work for a few days and have a full to-do list and what happens? I am suddenly hit with the uncommon cold! For some strange reason this always occurs when I am off work, there is most likely a reasonable explanation for it but I am to weak and frustrated to care.
Some American porn model standing in for the laird
American Indians were killed off in droves by the common cold when the Europeans started colonizing their continents. The uncommon cold is their payback and only hits men of clan McMillan. It is not fatal, but makes us feel like shit with a fever and runny noses and has us coughing, sniveling and complaining loudly all over the place.

Don't mention chicken soup, I detest everything that has to do with those ugly, smelly and foul creatures.