Saturday, March 17, 2018

I Am Curious (Green)

Celebrating Saint Patrick's Day at Chouchou in my sonic green outfit from boyberry. Photo by renowned photographer Tomais Ashdene. I had to twist his arm a lot because "he didn't like the green" (sic!).

The title of the post is a nod to Vilgot Sjöman, the Swedish director who directed the movies "I Am Curious (Yellow)" and "I am Curious (Blue)" in the late 1960's.

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2018

I hope you all have a wonderful Saint Patrick's Day. 

The biggest problem with this kind of celebration are usually threefold #whattowearwhattowear, #ihavenothingsuitableinmyimmenseinventory or #whatevvahijustmustbuysomethingnew.

Well, no such problems for me anymore, since I have been graced and blessed with particularly and extraordinarily  terrific and awesome legs. I just have to find the best shorts, underwear or other leggings to cover my groin area but as little of the rest as possible... and Hey presto, I am ready to celebrate!

All the best of the Irish to you now, go out and have a kick-ass party!