Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bock´s Eyes

This is a special post dedicated primarily to Kandinsky Beaumont. She has in the past - and recently also - expressed views concerning my eyes.

I will therefor now give her the possibility to choose among the following four sets. I promise to wear the set of eyes that meet with her approval until at least November 1st, 2011.

The rest of you are of course also free to express your views on this very self obsessed subject.
Set #1

Set #2

Set #3
Set #4
Ahhh of course, I should give the rest of you the chance to express your opinion in a poll. The poll is up in the top right corner.


  1. No no no - your a nice boy, even if u try to hide it sometimes :)
    You should have nice eyes thoose are scary!

  2. Haha maybe you got me there!
    ...if I vote for the ones I criticized before...

    Actually I love number 3. The colour fits your hair and skin colour and they have a certain tinge in them that gives them some depth though they are quite light.
    Number 1 looks noobish, number 2 and 4 are too sharp in colour and they make your skin look very pinkish.

    You made a trick with number 1 and 4 though
    : ))

    They are closer up than the other two - may seduce some to have you so close...

    Whatever you choose to do I am sure you never loose your insight!

  3. Vampi did you vote up in the right corner of the blog? i did and there is only one so maybe you forgot... vote number 3! Do Bock a favour.... : ))

  4. NO 3, no question about it! (and I voted too)

  5. Kandi, I will not reveal which have been my regular eyes until the poll expires.

    Vampi, get with the program and please vote in the poll also.

    sirhc, shades are cheating pffft...

    The rest of you hugs! ;)

  6. ok so i didnt see the voting thingy last time but NOW i have voted:)

  7. Of course I cheat - eyes are for Lovers :=]
    Mrowwwwwwlllllllllllllllll etc


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