Sunday, September 1, 2013

My SecondLife Ankles - The Conclusion

Following a suggestion from Drey Messmer, one of my brother in-laws, I increased my foot size to 50. As you can see it may have helped a little. However - to your relief and my own also - I can safely say that this will be the last post ever concerning my ankles.

Yesterday I received a gift of elven-crafted prim feet from my friend Garth Raleigh, quite possibly to effectively shut me up on this tedious and self obsessed subject. Nonetheless I am extremely grateful to him for this considerate gift and thank him from my ankles all the way up to the top of my head.

I am going to try them out first thing today and use them whenever I can. However, if you should see me in my allegedly hideous socktops in the future you now know the reason why. Who knows, perhaps socktops will be fashionable again in which case you may refer to me as "trendsetter" or "fashionista extraordinaire".

To the bore that reported my earlier picture to Facebook, "Dear Madam/Sir, please note that I am actually wearing a swimsuit and am not flaunting a hard-on."


  1. You can alway try to buy mesh bare feet, I did that for some weeks ago and love it, when i want to be barefoot in SL. Looks a hell lot better then the regular feet on the avi.

  2. Ooooooooooo are you hitting on me? ;)



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