Friday, June 19, 2015

It's Pride Week!

The Second Pride Festival starts today!

I will be there and to flaunt my pride and my colors, to meet old friends and new ones and to enjoy as many of the events as I possibly can - given the restrictions set by timezones. However, as I have wisely planned my vacation to start at the same time as the festival I should be able to be on later than usually.

You can find the festival schedule of events on the Second Pride website here. (Please note that the schedule is subject to change, so check it every day to make certain there haven't been any changes affecting your plans.)

The events of the first day include the opening ceremonies with
4-6 PM - DJ Wes at the main stage (SLurl)
6-8 PM - DJ Shep at the main stage (SLurl)
8-10 PM - DJ Regi at the main stage (SLurl)

Besides these scheduled events there are lots of other things to do and enjoy on the three sims.

The Second Pride Parade is tomorrow Saturday 10 AM-12 PM (noon).

The parade starts after one of the most important events of the Pride Festival, which of course is The McMillan Parade Ball, 8-10 AM at the main stage (SLurl) with The Smith Boys (DJ Kahvy and host Garrett).

This is a formal event so dress to your teeth! Tartans are highly encouraged, but not required. This event is sponsored by Bock in SecondLife.

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