Showing posts with label Jee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jee. Show all posts

Saturday, September 20, 2014

My Son As Art

When I logged in yesterday I was soon hailed by my son Guyke, Prince of Paradijs (the traditional title given to the heir to the throne of the realm of Southern Charm). After the usual preliminaries he soon spilled his urgent news.

"I'm in an exhibition!", he said excitedly.
"What do you mean?", I asked, "I know you are an exhibitionist, but what exhibition are you in?"
"You remember, I told you that Ronan Mactavish asked me to pose for him? Well, the pictures are now exhibited."
"Ahh yes, of course I remember. Please send me the landmark and I will go take a look! This should be fun..."

Guyke sent me the landmark to Piazza Siciliana (SLurl) and I arrived safely at the gallery. I was a bit taken aback when I saw the name of the exhibition on the sign at the landing spot.

"Welcome to Ronan Mactavish's Uomini Nudi. Kip.. Jee.. Simon.. Latherblu.. Drey.. Guyke", my Italian isn't great but good enough to realize that I was going to be exposed to images of naked men. The boy hadn't told me that... "If he is sporting an erection I will surely accidentally drown him, even if he is the Crown Prince", I thought to myself as I took three deep breaths and prepared myself for the worst.

I decided to start with the others men in the exhibition and look at Guyke's pictures last, so I could slowly prepare myself for the possible shock.

The exhibition was however extremely tasteful and beautifully composed, so as I moved along through the different sections I felt my fear leaving me. When I finally came to the Guyke-section I was extremely happy to see Ronan's interpretation of my beloved son.
 I am happy to say that I can recommend this wonderful exhibition to you all.